Regrettably, President Obama's planned travel to Cuba is hardly a surprise. Instead, it is the latest addition to the litany of concessions to dictators that have come to characterize this administration.

Regrettably, President Obama's planned travel to Cuba is hardly a surprise. Instead, it is the latest addition to the litany of concessions to dictators that have come to characterize this administration.
How duplicitous that Apple would talk about privacy rights while refusing to help protect the national security of the country that gave it the chance to be founded.
With four of Florida ports among the nation’s top 25 container ports and three among the top cruise ports in the world, the economic vitality of Florida’s ports should be an important focus of our state leaders. These ports are hubs of commerce and tourism that generate high-paying, sustainable jobs for Floridians while cementing our role and brand as the gateway for the Americas.
The president released his fiscal year 2017 budget proposal on Tuesday. I will scrutinize its contents - line by line - to ensure that our nation’s treasure is not squandered on wasteful programs or harmful tax hikes. There’s a lot of work ahead, but one area has broad bipartisan support - the size and capability of our Navy fleet. The world is a dangerous place. Make no mistake, my fight will focus on building the most robust, highly-capable fleet.
Florida’s successful Contraband Forfeiture Act is under attack in the state Legislature -- and taxpayers have the most to lose.
The latest public health panic is over a disease most Americans (even doctors) have never heard of. Zika virus disease (ZVD) is carried by the same mosquito, Aedes aegypti, as other Third World diseases, including dengue and chikungunya.
Most recently, many health insurance providers have drastically restricted Medicaid Managed Care networks throughout Florida. Those restrictions are forcing patients to leave their trusted pharmacist and go to a pharmacy their health plan chooses for them. Such unnecessary restrictions limit consumer choice, restrict healthy business competition and prevent access to community pharmacies.
U.S. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., part of the congressional leadership as senior deputy majority whip, took to the House floor on Thursday to support legislation reining in the U.S. Department of Justice’s “Operation Choke Point.”
On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., took to the Senate floor to warn his fellow senators that he would do all he could to oppose a proposal from U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., to end the no-drilling zone extending at least 125 miles off of the Florida coast into the Gulf of Mexico. Nelson said the following in his remarks:
Florida TaxWatch has been a leader in making sure residents of the Sunshine State have access to affordable health care options, saving millions of dollars and countless lives.