Shaping up to be one of the biggest battles in the Legislature in many years, the fight on economic development incentives and tourism funding has been swirling throughout the halls of the Capitol the last few weeks. On one side are those who believe that taxpayer dollars should not be used to entice businesses and tourists to Florida; the other side sees these programs as crucial for creating jobs and boosting our economy.
Economic Development Incentives Drive Jobs to Florida, Boost State Economy
Keeping Cigars in the Cigar City
Politicians talk repeatedly about doing things to help create jobs. But sometimes doing nothing is the best option. We hope newly-elected lawmakers understand that less government intrusion is often the key to keeping the American Dream alive.
Floridians Deserve an Accountable and Transparent Budgeting Process
While most Floridians are working and going to school this week, elected officials in Tallahassee are considering how to spend an eye-popping $80 billion of your hard-earned tax money. That’s nearly $4,000 for every adult and child in the Sunshine State.
It is Time to Free Professionals and Technology to Provide Better and More Affordable Health-Care for Floridians
Florida TaxWatch has been a leader in making sure residents of the Sunshine State have access to affordable health care options, saving millions of dollars and countless lives.
Expanding Job Opportunities for Non-Violent Offenders
With more than 100,000 inmates behind bars, Florida’s correctional population is among the largest in the United States.
Floridians Have Historic Opportunity to Control Their Government
While virtually every Floridian has some interaction with state government, it is easy for the average citizen to feel distanced from the political process of Tallahassee. And it can be easy for our elected leaders to feel distanced from their constituents if they do not regularly hear from the voters.
But every Floridian has a unique opportunity to share suggestions on how to make their state government more efficient and effective.
Taxpayers Deserve More Than Checking The Box
Florida taxpayers and their children are facing more than $10.5 billion in debt due to increasingly rich and consistently over-promised government pensions.
Bill Nelson, Help Us Keep Government's Hands Off of the Internet
My college-age children often ask me, How did you make it through school without the Internet?
YES to Amendment 10, Which Would Benefit Small Businesses, Help Create Jobs
While this year provides Florida voters with one of the longest ballots in quite some time, there is only one amendment that Florida TaxWatch has endorsed.
YES on Amendment 2, a Small Way to Reward Elderly Veterans Who Sacrificed for Our Country
Florida has a history of providing property tax relief to veterans, disabled persons and the elderly.