The blood of the 129 victims in the Paris attack is on President Barack Obama’s hands and is a direct result of his failed policies in Iraq.

The blood of the 129 victims in the Paris attack is on President Barack Obama’s hands and is a direct result of his failed policies in Iraq.
When Martin County Commissioner Sarah Heard voted two years ago not to fund a DNA study of the pollutants in the St. Lucie River by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute's Brian Lapointe, we were somewhat surprised at her dissent … but our most environmentally concerned citizens trusted her.
We have a teachable moment here, folks. Let’s hope everyone is ready to learn.
Recently, there has been discussion of legislation filed during Florida’s 2015 General Session that, at its core, protects property rights, particularly the rights that accompany easement arrangements. Property rights issues like this one can often seem complicated, but protecting them should be a top priority for Floridians.
The Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce encompasses all 67 counties in Florida, more than 40 local chambers of commerce and thousands of direct members and member companies. We work to improve the quality of life for every Hispanic and Hispanic business in Florida. One issue of critical importance to our members is affordable health care that puts patients first. For this reason, we would like to express concerns regarding legislation that would hurt our community by creating an unfair advantage for physician-owned hospitals (POH).
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to make the case for major reforms to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Rubio showcased his “VA Accountability Act” which would give the VA secretary more power to fire underperforming and incompetent employees. The bill has been blocked by Senate Democrats. U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., the chairman of the U.S. House Veterans Affairs Committee, is backing a similar bill in the House.
It is no secret that Florida’s mental health system is chronically and significantly underfunded. Throughout the past decade, Florida has maintained one of the lowest per-capita mental health expenditures in the nation.
The question you see in the headline is the one I keep asking myself every election cycle, when I see what Patrick Murphy and others like him, do. When I say others like him, I mean those who know nothing about the black community, don’t care to know anything about the black community, and feel the way to secure the votes of the black community is by buying them.
The brazen criminal acts of Volkswagen call for a swift and decisive response: criminal prosecution of those responsible by the United States Department of Justice. As a former regulator and one who has toiled in the private sector in both industrial and service businesses, I am shocked by the deliberate fraud of installing a “defeat device” to deceive consumers and governments alike about the emissions and performance of Volkswagen automobiles.
During the past few weeks and recent days, the House Republican Conference has experienced a ripple of change in our congressional leadership, causing us to refocus the future of our party. In assessing a resolution to this situation, the answer is not merely to rearrange the faces of our leadership and expect that our problems will be solved. In fact, the answer is quite the contrary. Because there is a clamor across our nation for strong, conservative leadership, we need a fresh start, not just fresh faces.