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Rick Scott's Efforts to Get EU to Sanction Maduro Regime Pay Off

July 17, 2019 - 9:00am
Rick Scott

This week, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., cheered the European Union (EU) for sanctioning the Maduro regime and Venezuelan security forces.

With the EU announcing plans for the sanctions, Scott weighed in on Tuesday. 

U.S. House Passes Buchanan’s Bill to Protect Endangered Wildlife

July 16, 2019 - 9:00am

The U.S. House Monday passed Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan’s "Rescuing Animals With Rewards Act" (RAWR Act), which allows the State Department to offer rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of wildlife traffickers around the globe.

“Wildlife trafficking is a nefarious and persistent threat to endangered animals across the world,” Buchanan said in an afternoon press statement. “The RAWR Act provides another tool to crack down on the billions of dollars generated by this illegal activity. It is now up to the Senate to approve this important measure.”

New Law Ensures Credits Remain the Preferred Approach for Wetland Mitigation

July 11, 2019 - 7:30am

HB 521, amending the mitigation options for wetlands impacted by development projects, has just been signed into law. It means  local governments will now be allowed to authorize mitigation of conservation lands they have purchased and own -- if state and federal mitigation credits are not available and financial assurances are provided by the developer for the perpetual maintenance of the land.

Do-Nothing Congress Leads Voter Majority to Support 'Mass Deportations' of Illegal Aliens

July 10, 2019 - 8:30am
Deportation prelude

Democratic presidential hopefuls swooning over open borders might want to reconsider in light of the latest Harvard/Harris poll. 

Maggie's List Names Jennifer Carroll National Spokeswoman

July 4, 2019 - 8:00am
Jennifer Carroll

Sandra Mortham, national chair for the organization Maggie's List, says Independence Day is the perfect time to name a patriot and public servant to a post she will use to elect more conservative women to office.

Mortham announced Wednesday the appointment of Jennifer Carroll as the new national spokeswoman for Maggie's List. Carroll served with Gov. Rick Scott as the 18th lieutenant governor of Florida from Jan. 4, 2011 to March 12, 2013. 

Merged L3Harris Becomes Florida's 8th Largest Company

July 1, 2019 - 3:15pm
Bill Brown, Harris CEO, announces the merger

On Monday L3Harris Technologies was born, the product of one of the largest mergers in aerospace and defense industry history. What the union has done is bring together the Harris Corporation and L3 Technologies, creating Florida’s largest A&D company and the eighth largest company based in the state.

Trump Team's Statement on the First Democratic Debate

June 27, 2019 - 10:00am
Donald Trump

The president had said earlier in the day he wouldn’t be live-tweeting the Democratic presidential debate in Miami because he would be on Air Force One en route to Japan and off “to save the world.”

But roughly half an hour into the Wednesday night debate, Donald Trump fired off two tweets -- one with the word "BORING!" and the other castigating NBC for its technical glitch, an opportunity to call the network "fake news."

DeSantis: Florida's Private-Sector Job Growth 'Remains Strong, Exceeds National Growth Rate'

June 22, 2019 - 7:45am
Construction produced 28,000 new jobs in May

With the signing of the 2020 budget Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis' announcement about Florida’s continued strengthening economy might have been overlooked.

The governor said businesses are still expanding to Florida, just as they have for the last eight years,  creating a strong private-sector job growth rate. The governor puts this success the good news down to low taxes, reasonable regulations and a top-rated university system.

He said economic indicators for the month of May include these:

Ron DeSantis in Better Shape With Florida Voters than Marco Rubio, Rick Scott

June 20, 2019 - 12:00pm
Ron DeSantis

Gov. Ron DeSantis is in better shape with Florida voters than either of the state’s two U.S. senators, a new poll shows. 

Quinnipiac University released a poll on Thursday morning showing that DeSantis has the approval of 55 percent of voters while 22 percent disapprove of him and 23 percent are not sure. 

Florida Wants Minimum Wage Increase--But Divided on How Much

June 20, 2019 - 11:00am

A new poll shows strong support across Florida to raise the minimum wage in the Sunshine State. 

Quinnipiac University Polling Logo released a poll on Thursday showing three-quarters of Florida voters--76 percent--support raising the minimum wage while only 20 percent support keeping it at $8.46 an hour. Floridians of all political backgrounds, ages, genders, race and education levels support increasing the minimum wage. 


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