Democratic presidential hopefuls swooning over open borders might want to reconsider in light of the latest Harvard/Harris poll.
If they want to be elected, that is.
According to a poll released last weekend, the majority of Americans want Congress and the president to close loopholes in the nation's asylum system that allow mass flows of foreign nationals to pour through the U.S.-Mexico border. If that doesn't happen, they want "mass deportations" of illegal aliens.
The Harvard/Harris poll finds that 51 percent of American voters say they support deportations of the 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.
Congressional inaction appears to be the driver in this poll result. More than 8 in 10 Republican voters, more than 5 in 10 swing voters and nearly 9 in 10 Trump supporters told Harvard/Harris the president shouldn't wait much longer for Congress to straighten out the system before he embarks on a major deportation program.
By a majority of 53 percent, working and middle-class Americans, those earning $75,000 a year or less, support mass deportations if Congress fails to act. A majority of Americans 35 to 49 years old also support mass deportations following inaction from Congress.
Democrats and voters who supported failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are the least likely of any demographic group to support mass deportations of illegal aliens.
The poll comes as Trump delayed a nationwide plan to mass-deport thousands of illegal aliens who have final orders for removal. Former acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan accused acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kevin McAleenan of leaking the mass-deportation plans in order to halt the operation.
Trump, at the time, said he would give Congress two weeks to strike a deal to close loopholes in the asylum system. The two-week mark came last week and Congress has yet to announce a plan that would pass both the Democrat-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate.
Today there are between approximately 11 million and 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S. The majority are concentrated in Caliafornia, New York, Texas, and Florida. The illegal alien population over the last decade has increased by 60,000 in Massachusetts, 45,000 in Mryland, and by 5,000 in each North Dakota and South Dakota.
While the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, corporate CEOs, and Silicon Valley elites have continuously demanded amnesty for illegal aliens and increased levels of legal immigration, Republican voters have said their top priorities are building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration and reducing all legal immigration to the country
The monthly Harvard/Harris poll for June 2019 was conducted online within the United States from June 26-29, 2019 among 2,182 registered voters. To see the poll's crosstabs, click here.