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Rick Scott's Efforts to Get EU to Sanction Maduro Regime Pay Off

July 17, 2019 - 9:00am
Rick Scott
Rick Scott

This week, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., cheered the European Union (EU) for sanctioning the Maduro regime and Venezuelan security forces.

With the EU announcing plans for the sanctions, Scott weighed in on Tuesday. 

“I called on the EU to join the United States and do more to help the Venezuelan people, and I applaud them for stepping up to answer that call,” Scott said. “With the EU as a partner in this fight, we have a real shot at getting Maduro to step aside. But we can’t stop here. The United States and freedom-loving nations around the world need to do everything in our power to isolate Maduro in Venezuela and cut off the supply of money from Cuba to Caracas. Every free nation must join us now to fight for freedom and demand Maduro leave power.”

During his first six months on Capitol Hill, Scott has been pushing the EU to do more against the Maduro regime. Earlier this week, Fox News published a piece from Scott in which he called for Europe to take more action. 

 “Seventy-five years ago, the United States fought to free Europe. It’s time for Europe to step up and champion the cause of freedom in Venezuela,” Scott wrote. “To date, The United States has sanctioned more than 100 people and business entities in Venezuela in an effort to cut off funds to the Maduro regime. Europe needs to step up its efforts and show that it is committed to cutting off funds to human rights abusers and to pushing hard for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.

“Every EU country should join the United States and recognize Juan Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela. Every EU country should impose significant sanctions on Venezuela and the Maduro Regime,” Scott added. “Every EU country should immediately stop doing business with the Cuban regime propping up Maduro and his genocide. And Every EU country should demand that Maduro leave power to allow for free, fair, and democratic elections without accepting a Maduro crony or clone to take his place. History has shown that at important moments, the world community has the ability to come together, to put our differences aside and fight for the common good. This is one of those moments.”

Scott spoke before the  Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe earlier this month, calling on the EU to do more against the Maduro regime. He wrote U.S. Sec. of State Mike Pompeo at the end of last month, urging the State Department to help push the EU on the matter. 

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