I read "POINT OF VIEW: Army Corps should swim in our increasingly toxic water," a guest column in Sunday's Palm Beach Post by Congressman Brian Mast. I would love the opportunity to respond.

I read "POINT OF VIEW: Army Corps should swim in our increasingly toxic water," a guest column in Sunday's Palm Beach Post by Congressman Brian Mast. I would love the opportunity to respond.
On Wednesday, the American Medical Association passed a series of gun-related resolutions, including calling for a ban on “assault weapons” and came out against arming teachers to fight what it claims is a public health crisis.
Senator Bill Nelson claims to be a “thoughtful, moderate voice in an increasingly partisan political world.” If only that were true! In reality, he’s an extremist who supports abortion on demand through the moment of birth, and he should be worried about the political consequences.
With opioid-related fatalities on the rise in Florida, it is not difficult to find someone whose life has been affected by overdose. Like many of our fellow Floridians, community pharmacies throughout Florida are concerned about the epidemic facing both our state and our country.
Like many Floridians, my wife R. Jai and I owe a mortgage on our home -- and as I’ve been saying for months, my life experience is much more like everyday Floridians than any of my opponents.
Let’s put 2nd Judicial Circuit Judge Karen Gievers' recent decision in a proper perspective, in that she ruled smokable medical marijuana in a “private place” is allowed by the plain language of Amendment 2, which is now -- unfortunately for you and us -- ensconced in our state Constitution.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
By any measure, the Janet Cruz Campaign for State Senate’s so-called “unity” event last Thursday in South Tampa was a failure. Worse, it was an embarrassment.
Florida nursing-care centers and their residents have seen more than their share of hurricane seasons, but few have carried the wallop we all experienced last year.