The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is not the worst offender in Florida’s never-ending War on Open Government.

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is not the worst offender in Florida’s never-ending War on Open Government.
There’s a dreary predictability to the cycle of corporate child abuse funded by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).
In Greek mythology, Ajax is known as the guy who raped the prophetess Cassandra.
In Tallahassee, Ajax is known as the absentee landlord of Northwood Centre, a state office building so sick with mold and bat poop that Gov. Rick Scott took the extraordinary step of cutting off rent payments and relocating 1,500 state employees.
Among the displaced is Department of Business & Professional Regulation Secretary Ken Lawson, whose executive desk was located directly under 10 pounds of bat guano.
Death happens to the best of us, and also to the worst.
Florida agency heads have been lying to reporters, spinning like dreidels, and withholding public records since the Chiles administration.
Editor Lenore Devore thinks reporters should look at the wheat to be found in public records, and not the chaff of press releases peddled by taxpayer-supported ministers of disinformation.
A Florida state senator walks in to a Tallahassee bar. She sits down next to a big city newspaper reporter. They chat about the things that pols and newsies used to chat about in the 20th century, when both professions had better poll numbers than they do now.
Gov. Rick Scott has conjured up a 12th university that Florida cant afford and nobody but outgoing Polk County Sen. J.D. Alexanderthinks Florida needs.
People always think theyre behaving ethically, even when theyre being hauled off in handcuffs," said veteran newspaperwoman-turned-Leon County Commission candidate Mary Ann Lindley at a community conversation on ethics.
Nobody has ever accused me of being disrespectful of people of faith. Any faith. Im on the lunatic fringe of respect and tolerance for belief systems ranging from Anglicanism to Zoroastrianism.