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Rick Scott Leads Florida Entourage on Trade Mission to Chile

May 20, 2013 - 6:00pm

Gov. Rick Scott has his bags packed, ready to jet to Chile Tuesday on what will be his eighth trade mission since taking office in 2011.

The trip will be his second to South America. The last time a Florida governor visited Chile was in 2007.

Florida Crime Rate Tumbles to 42-Year Low

Dolphins Fill Pockets of Top Rick Scott Strategist

May 14, 2013 - 6:00pm

A firm linked to a top Gov. Rick Scott strategist received more than $1.5 million from Stephen Ross and his Miami Dolphins in the failed bid for taxpayer stadium-renovation dollars.

Campaign disclosure reports show Multimedia Services Corp., a firm linked to Scott strategist Tony Fabrizio, was paid a significant chunk -- to the tune of $1.6 million -- of the money spent by the Dolphins political action committee Friends of Miami First. The committee burned through $4.5 million in three weeks alone.

FAU President Mary Jane Saunders Resigns

May 14, 2013 - 6:00pm

After months of controversy at the Boca Raton university, Florida Atlantic University President Mary Jane Saunders has resigned.

FAU board of trustees chair, Anthony K. G. Barbar, accepted Saunders resignation late Tuesday, according to the universitys website.

The board respects your desire to return to the faculty, a decision we know you made in the best interest of the university, he said in his letter.

Are Florida's Law Schools in Trouble?

May 9, 2013 - 6:00pm

Thousands of students flock to the doors of Floridas 12 law schools each year, chasing the dreams of a respectable, well-paying job as an attorney. But the unfortunate reality for many of these young hopefuls is they may not leave law school with a job as a lawyer at all. Paired with with poor employment outcomes is the staggering cost to attend law school, leaving many students in a bind that can take years to get out of.

DCCC Targets Florida to Give Pelosi House Control

Election-Fix Bill Could Disenfranchise 100,000 Florida Voters

A Look at NRA Safety Plan as Senate Ramps Up Gun Bill

No Border Control, No Immigration Reform, Americans Say

Florida Still Campaign Cheapskate after House Lifts Limits


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