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Nan Rich: I'm Still Here, Guys

RPOF Heaps on More CRIST-ory, Co-starring Ex-Party Chair Jim Greer

Rick Scott's Trade Trips are No Charlie Crist Euro Tour

Jennifer Carroll: GOP Needs Outreach to Black Communities

Is Cruise Lines’ Boost to Florida Economy Beginning to Sink?

CRIST-ory Lessons: Charlie Crist Under Fire

Campaign Seeks to Give Jobs to Florida Grads

Number of Floridians Receiving SNAP Benefits Doubles In Five Years

May 22, 2013 - 6:00pm

In spite of the Sunshine State's declining unemployment rate, the number of Floridians on food stamps -- now called SNAP benefits -- has risen in alarmingly, actually doubling in five years.

In 2008,1.45 million people were signed up in Florida; today more than 3.5 million people are enrolled.

Beyond Politically Incorrect? Pam Bondi Wants Urban Outfitters’ Pill Products Gone

Inflation Begins to Niggle American Consumers, Says Rasmussen


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