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New Education Standards Will Equip Florida Students With Essential Skills

September 20, 2012 - 6:00pm

The greatest challenge to Florida's economic growth will be fostering a dynamic business climate, one that embraces our legacy as a great tourist destination, but that also positions Florida as the ideal state for private capital investment.

Positioning Florida in that role is fundamentally dependent on a high-quality educational system that consistently prepares a bright and talented work force. Getting there will be hard work, but Florida TaxWatch believes that Florida is up to the challenge.

Effectively preparing our students for a rapidly changing global economy will require an unwavering commitment on the part of all Floridians to implement much more rigorous and relevant academic content. Florida TaxWatch supports our states adoption of the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS**) in English Language Arts and Mathematics and encourages a thoughtful review of the forthcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

The CCSS and the NGSS are specifically anchored on what our students must know and be able to apply in order to compete in todays global economy. The CCSS differ significantly from previously adopted state curriculum standards (i.e. the Sunshine State Standards) in that they are benchmarked internationally, and are commensurate with the curricular standards of the worlds most successful educational systems.

These new standards provide an opportunity for the education community and businesses dependent upon a well-educated work force to work together toward a prosperous economic future.

The CCSS serve as the appropriate foundation for Floridas educational system because they support in-depth coverage of essential content, rather than widespread, 30,000 feet content coverage, which results in minimal understanding and little application over time. Perhaps most importantly, these standards place significant emphasis on critical thinking and collaboration and application of content --skills that are absolutely vital in the 21st century workplace.

The NGSS, currently in development stages, will be available for public review and input later this fall. These standards are expected to produce science content that mirrors the rigor and specificity of the CCSS. Because these science standards are in the development stage, Florida has a unique opportunity to help craft and direct this framework.

Due to the increased rigor associated with the new standards, it is critical that our local communities provide the political and operational support necessary for Florida to advance our educational system.

As we begin a new school year, Florida TaxWatch urges Floridas parents, students, educators, and the business community to learn more about the new standards, the rationale behind their adoption, and how they will serve to generate essential postsecondary and work force-related skills.

Florida TaxWatch believes that implementation of these new standards provides Floridas students an outstanding opportunity to acquire academic skills necessary to prepare them to compete successfully in the 21st century economy.

We are committed to being a part of this new beginning, and helping our great state maximize the taxpayers investment by producing a talented work force, one that can immediately increase Floridas competitiveness and economic strength.

** Note: Florida adopted the CCSS in January 2011, making us one of 46 states to have done so thus far. Implementation will be complete for the 2014-15 school year, following extensive professional development for our teachers and the alignment of instructional content.

The president and CEO of Florida TaxWatch for the last 30 years, Dominic Calabro has had a close-up view of Florida's ever-changing fiscal and economic policies.

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