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National Association of Manufacturers Showcases How Tax Reform Helps Employees at Florida Company

May 10, 2018 - 6:00am
RGF Environmental Group facility
RGF Environmental Group facility

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) will be showcasing an environmental products manufacturer in Riviera Beach as it continues to highlight how the tax reform backed by President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress is helping workers across the country. 

On Thursday, NAM is focusing on RGF Environmental Group in the latest of its “Tax Reform: Keeping Our Promise” blog which focuses on how tax reform has led to growth in manufacturing. 

“One hundred and fifty employees at an environmental products manufacturer in Riviera Beach, Florida are having a year unlike any other in the more than 33-year history of the company,” NAM notes. “According to RGF Environmental Group, tax reform is accelerating business and allowing the company to share its benefits with everyone. And, just last week, Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) singled out RGF by speaking at their facility.”

Walter Ellis, the executive vice president and general manager of RGF, talked to NAM about how tax reform has led to better pay for his company’s employees. 

“Last year, RGF had record wage increases, with employees receiving raises of 7 to 8 percent,” Ellis told NAM. “Basically, every hourly employee in our facility received a raise at the end of last year, which is something we’ve never done before.”

Ellis also told NAM that tax reform has allowed his company to give more bonuses. 

“Last year, we had record Christmas bonuses. It was a substantial increase over years prior, about 5 times more than we typically give,” Ellis said to NAM. “It was significant: it was a nice Christmas this year! Going into the beginning of the year, we also gave a straight $1,000 bonus to each employee as a direct result of tax cuts.”

RGF is also using the moneys gained from tax reform to improve its facilities and workforce, including expanding their office space and buying $1 million in new equipment to add an extra shift of workers for the first time in its history. 

“We’ve gotten so busy and hired so many people that we ran out of office space in our main building,” Ellis said. “We’re building a new elevated office in our production area.”

Ellis also told NAM that the additional funds will be used to train employees. 

There could be more money to come for RGF employees as Ron Fink, the president and CEO, has promised an extra $1,000 bonus if there is additional tax reform in the months ahead. 


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