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Florida Chamber, Marco Make the Grade; Corrine Brown, Tax Hikes Don't

April 26, 2015 - 6:00pm

Welcome to The Dean's List, an Ed Dean-style look at who Florida's political achievers were (and weren't) in the last seven days. What you see here is strictly my opinion, not necessarily the editor's or the rest of the staff at Sunshine State News.


The Florida Chamber of Commerce. The Florida Chamber pulled its support on Medicaid expansion with President and CEO Mark Wilson saying the Florida Senate should focus on LIP funding. If the Legislature passes anything even close to Medicaid expansion, and thats a big if, you better believe Wilson and the Florida Chamber will be offering free-market solutions to improve it.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. The Republican presidential candidate opened the door to abolishing the U.S. Department of Education and called out Common Core. I believe in having a 21st century curriculum, but I believe it should be done at the local and state level," Rubio said. Spot on, Senator. Rubio echoes the concerns by many that the feds will use Common Core to force state and local education policies.

Florida Carry. This Second Amendment rights group wants to know who killed the Campus Carry bill. Much of the blame has been put on Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, for not bringing it up on his Judiciary Committee. But Florida Carry and other groups are now calling out President Andy Gardiner, R-Orlando, for killing it and they are asking the right questions for conservatives upset with the Senate leadership.

The Leroy Collins Institute. This Tallahassee-based policy think tank released a report in February showing how local pension concerns have been on the rise in cities across Florida over the last 15 years. The Legislature is starting to take notice with supporters of local pension reform citing it heavily over the last two weeks.


The Volusia Teachers Organization. The Volusia County School Board is offering a plan that would raise all teachers' salaries by at least $1,000. But that doesnt work for Volusia Teachers Organization President Andrew Spar, who calls it a complete sign of lack of respect. The fight continues even as the teachers' union has yet to offer a serious plan of its own.

Hillsborough County Tax Hikes. Fitch has assigned a "AA+" rating to Hillsborough County for its financial position. Unemployment is down and theres an upswing in the housing market. So far so good. But with all this positive economic activity, Hillsborough is looking at several ideas of raising taxes, including raising the stormwater tax and a proposed sales tax increase. Theres no more effective way to strangle prosperity than by raising taxes.

U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, D-Fla. The Jacksonville congresswoman called out Gov. Rick Scott and the Legislature for not accepting Medicaid expansion. Brown thinks Medicaid expansion will help all Floridians. But Brown and other proponents suggest the bulk of the $55 billion of federal monies is coming this year, which is incorrect. Medicaid enrollees do not have more comprehensive health-care benefits compared to those in the private market despite Browns claims. Medicaid expansion doesnt help all Floridians and its not the most cost-effective solution.

The Florida Legislative Black Caucus. Freshman Rep. Ed Narain, D-Tampa, was elected to lead the Florida Legislative Black Caucus. Narain started things off right by addressing problems facing black Floridians, including high unemployment and poverty rates, and he is a good choice to lead the caucus. But the caucus continues to drop the ball on school choice and reviving education. Narain didnt address school choice as he took over the caucus and he should, because better schools will help address the problems he targeted.

Ed Dean, a senior editor with SSN whose talk-show can be heard on radio stations across Florida, can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @eddeanradio

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