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Do Negative Campaigns, Nonpartisan Elections Impact Voter Turnout?

April 26, 2015 - 6:00pm

On Friday night, the Tampa Tiger Bay Club meeting focused on negative campaigning and the effect it has on voter suppression, with political consultants from both sides weighing in.

Democratic strategist Gregory Wilson said negative advertising helps suppress voter turnout.

Sometimes its intentional, sometimes its just stupidity, Wilson said.

Republican consultant Jamie Miller agreed that negative advertising can suppress the vote and help a candidate win.

Experts from both sides agree single issues can motivate voters to get to the polls or keep them at home. But they often disagree on voter suppression, with Democrats in Florida pointing their fingers at Gov. Rick Scotts and the Legislatures actions on election laws. They also blame the Citizens United decision in the U.S. Supreme Court.

But Miller doesnt buy into all that. He says issues can encourage voter turnout or dampen it. Miller says there remain differences between negative advertising and opponent clarification.

Pointing to his own experience, Miller noted a mail piece he ran in North Carolina during the 2010 cycle which helped bring down incumbent Democrats who said they were pro-death penalty while voting against it. .

Miller said the local media called it one of the most negative pieces of political propaganda North Carolina had ever seen.

The Charlotte Observer called me everything in the book -- racist, a son of a bitch, a consultant from outside the state," Miller said. They called me everything but a liar.

But he insisted he was clarifying those politicians records, not going on the attack.

Miller said nonpartisan races also ensure lower turnout, noting former Tampa Mayor Dick Greco, who was also on the panel, won his first race in the 1960s with 60,000 voters taking part in the election. Miller said in the last race there were just 42,000 voters. Miller said nonpartisan races help lower the vote totals.

Noting localities and cities across Florida hold nonpartisan races, Miller said more races should be partisan.

If youre proud of your political party and you believe you have the winning issues, then dont hide your political identity, Miller said.

Wilson encouraged voters to pay more attention to positive ads to get a feel for the candidates.

Voters should pay close attention to positive messaging, Wilson said.

Ed Dean, a senior editor with SSN whose talk-show can be heard on radio stations across Florida, can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @eddeanradio.

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