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Florida’s Worsening AOB Crisis

March 23, 2019 - 9:00am
Steve Pociask
Over the last several years, Florida’s property insurance consumers have experienced some of the largest rate hikes of any group in the country, and it’s not because of extreme hurricanes or floods. Indeed, from 2006 to 2016 Mother Nature gave the Sunshine State a remarkable reprieve from weather-related catastrophes.
So what’s driving up premiums, and how do we fix it?

Bad Politics Blocks AOB Reform in Florida

November 28, 2018 - 6:00am

Now that the elections are behind us, it is time for the Legislature to address the fraud that has increasingly pushed homeowner insurance rates higher each year. Florida is the nation’s top “judicial hellhole,” according to the American Tort Reform Foundation, and Assignment of Benefits (AOB) abuse is playing a big role in the dysfunction.

We Don't Need More Regulation on Over-the-Counter Hearing Devices

May 17, 2017 - 6:00am

For Floridians, personal sound amplification devices can boost sound that is too faint for most of us to hear. It can be used by consumers who want to temporarily heighten their hearing, including the use of headphones and equipment used to modestly boost the sound on telephones, listening devices and other audio amplification, and even to aid birdwatchers.

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