As Congress struggles to do something about the Obamacare disaster, senators may be getting calls pleading, “Don’t take my health-care away!” But the more influential voices will be whispering, “Don’t take my Obamacare dollars away!”

As Congress struggles to do something about the Obamacare disaster, senators may be getting calls pleading, “Don’t take my health-care away!” But the more influential voices will be whispering, “Don’t take my Obamacare dollars away!”
In his Feb 28 address to the Joint Session of Congress, President Trump called the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”) an “imploding disaster.”
Suppose you are a surgeon who is called to see a patient who is bleeding from something in his abdomen. You are to consider an exploratory operation to try to find the bleeding point and stop the hemorrhage.
Two facts about the Orlando massacre stand out: the killer (may his name be forgotten) was an “authorized” gun owner, and the shootings occurred in a “safe” place.