The Women’s March, which has risen to prominence with the election of Donald Trump, is beginning to fracture. A number of its leaders have displayed or spoken anti-semitic positions, and it's led to major controversy within the party. Falling prey to the inevitable conflicts of intersectionality, there have been groups beginning to disavow the organization.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Chooses Sides in the Democratic Party’s Anti-Semitism Rift
Sheriff Scott Israel Vows Not to Go Quietly
Disgruntled former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel wasted no time in retaliating after Gov. Ron DeSantis removed and replaced him last week. The controversial now-former chief was vowing to fight back the same day DeSantis made his announcement.
Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Out, Former Coral Springs Police Sergeant In
At an afternoon press conference at the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, delayed 90 minutes because of airplane mechanical difficulties, Gov. Ron DeSantis made the announcement most in Tallahassee and Broward expected: Sheriff Scott Israel has been removed from office as a direct result of the actions surrounding the shooting of 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Scott Israel Said to Be Preparing for His End as Broward Sheriff
The buzz in Broward County is, Sheriff Scott Israel knows his removal might well be new Gov. Ron DeSantis' next priority.
Inaugural Parade Would Just Have Slowed Him Down, DeSantis Says
Governor-elect Ron DeSantis has a busy Tuesday as he officially becomes installed as Florida’s 46th governor. While some traditional events are slated to take place, one item has been scratched from the inaugural agenda -- the parade.
Miami Dolphins' Quinn Learned No Lessons, Complains About Anthem Protest Apathy
DeSantis Might Want to Thank a Demographic Few Republicans Claim: Black Females
Here in Broward, we are still caught in the Mobius Strip that is the career of former Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes. But believe it or not, actual election experts here are still poring over the metrics of the election.
NASA’s Uncertain Orbit Following the Midterms
Following the midterm elections, Florida’s senatorial result and the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives means there are questions in the balance for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Not only did the most prominent -- though not the most politically adept -- “space politician” end up losing, but so did some prominent fixtures on committees overseeing budgets that directly concern NASA.
Florida’s Most Expensive Race Was Also One of the Closest
With all of the drama, turmoil, embarrassment and legal wrangling surrounding the recounting of ballots in South Florida, a far more dramatic race on Florida’s other coast was easily overlooked.
The Bill Nelson Postmortem: It Wasn't Voter Suppression After All
To the surprise of many following the debacle of the machine counts, the state-mandated hand counting of ballots went relatively well. By the weekend the process was completed in near-competent fashion and the races were declared over. Though he did concede in private with winner Rick Scott, departing Sen. Bill Nelson also gave a farewell video message.