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Everybody Get It Now? Finally the Miami-to-Orlando Train-Boondoggle Is Fully Exposed

August 1, 2019 - 9:00am
Susan Mehiel

For five years, every financial and business plan from All Aboard Florida (Virgin Trains) has centered on their higher speed rail service taking only 3.15 hours from Miami to Orlando to compete with cars and planes.  That time frame allowed for only four stops: in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach and the Orlando airport, requiring speeds of 110 mph and 125 mph on Phase 2.

No More Railroad Boondoggles!

April 4, 2019 - 9:00am
Susan Mehiel

Back in 2011, California's Republican Congressman Devin Nunes said about the now defunct California high speed rail project, "It is clear that high-speed rail is not about jobs. It is about corruption, public deception and bureaucratic experimentation.” 

And it took nine years to kill the monster.

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