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Politics, Push for Power the Biggest Threat to Everglades Restoration

February 15, 2019 - 6:00pm

The last four Scott-appointed Governing Board members had come to Thursday's South Florida Water Management District meeting with something to say. And boy, did they say it.

I came away a greater fan at noon than I was at 9 a.m. when the meeting started.

SFWMD Board: Out with the Old, but ... Where's the New?

February 14, 2019 - 9:00am

After the public shaming to shoo out the old South Florida Water Management District board members as fast as they could, you'd think the new Administration would have been Johnny-on-the-spot getting their replacements appointed and cleared in time for the first meeting.

Which is today.

On Anthony Sabatini, Democrats Are Laughable

February 13, 2019 - 9:00am

A couple of high school buddies -- one white, one black -- dress up as each other in stereotypical attire for homecoming. They're immature, inappropriate showoffs looking for a laugh. 

I'm sorry, but that's what kids do. Dumb, inappropriate things. Sometimes things that don't make their mothers proud. Especially teenage boys who mature slower than girls.

Money from Misery: Meet Harvey Cohen, the Johnny Appleseed of 'Assignment of Benefits' Claims

February 7, 2019 - 11:45am

Ever wonder where "assignment of benefits" abuse came from?

Let me introduce you to Harvey V. Cohen of Orlando and Maitland and any place else where tragedy has befallen Florida homeowners. Cohen is the self-professed "go-to attorney for assignment of benefits contract cases ... known throughout the state of Florida and nationwide," reads his bio.

Which I don't doubt for one minute.

Calling Out a Demonizer: 'Another Psychopath Enlisted by the Brian Mast Army to Harass and Bully People'

February 4, 2019 - 10:00am
Brian Mast

Ever since the horrific congressional baseball shooting that almost took the life of Congressman Steve Scalise and former Hill staffer Matt Mika -- and came moments before Congressman Ron DeSantis arrived at the field -- members of Congress have been keenly aware that serving in public office has put a target on their backs.

So why on earth would Congressman Brian Mast turn into one of the rabble rousers inciting crazies to make targets of the public officials on the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board? 

Disgusted Elections Super Susan Bucher Resigns, Doesn't Trust the Senate to Give Her a Fair Hearing

January 29, 2019 - 12:30pm

Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher resigned Monday, rather than appeal her suspension before a Republican Senate where, she claims, the odds would be stacked against her.

Having met with her attorney, Leonard Feuer, she said they concluded a hearing would be a waste of time, conducted by a handpicked Senate committee "with attorneys for DeSantis acting as prosecutors."

Appointment Oversight? What's That? Happy Honeymoon, Gov. DeSantis

January 28, 2019 - 8:00am

You knew Gov. Ron DeSantis' thank-you paybacks were coming. 

Every new Florida governor we've seen in the last 40 years -- and probably longer than that -- repaid his loyal campaign staff and supporters with jobs in his administration. It's a normal, if immoral right of passage in Tallahassee. You just hold your breath and hope he won't appoint too many square pegs to round holes.

But this year it strikes me as especially egregious.

DeSantis, remember, is the hero mainstream media celebrate for yanking 46 "lame," last-minute Rick Scott appointments.

Roger Stone, Trump Adviser, Indicted, Arrested in Fort Lauderdale

January 25, 2019 - 12:15pm
Roger Stone file photo

Roger Stone, President Trump's informal longtime adviser, has been charged as part of the special counsel investigation over his communications with WikiLeaks, the organization behind the release of thousands of stolen Democratic emails during the 2016 campaign.

Mike Ertel, Florida Secretary of State, Resigns after Halloween Blackface Photos Turn Up

January 24, 2019 - 5:45pm
Mike Ertel

Thursday morning Michael Ertel was secretary of state, testifying before a legislative committee on election litigation; on Thursday afternoon he was the former secretary, his title and new position gone.

A $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage for Florida? Luckily, Voters Will Have Time to Think It Through

January 24, 2019 - 6:00am
John Morgan

You can take it to the bank: A constitutional amendment for a $15-an-hour minimum wage will be on the 2020 ballot in Florida. As John Morgan said Tuesday in his announcement, “One good thing is, I understand how to do this."


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