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Florida's Definitive Hurricane

March 1, 2010 - 6:00pm

Hurricanes have written a large, violent and costly chapter in Florida history.

The big storms have created barrier islands and wiped them out. Overnight. They've ruined crops, dashed dreams, turned boardwalks into tinder.

Florida Lawmakers with Juice

Get on the Bus

February 20, 2010 - 6:00pm

Today I feel like a kid again wide-eyed, heart thumping, ready to get the show on the road.

Its as if the whole family is climbing aboard a bus and starting a journey thats been in our head for as long as we can remember.

Sunshine State News was born of a need to complete the news of the day.

LIP: Chalk One Up for the Scott Team

May 21, 2015 - 6:00pm
I Beg to Differ

Still think Rick Scott doesn't know what he's doing?

Somewhere south of Winterfell, in Florida's ever-engrossing Game of Groans -- Scotties vs. Feds -- the Feds blinked first.

The Scott team won a big one this week.

Does anybody really believe that without the Scotties' lawsuit bluster, without the governor's health-care-commission showmanship and his trip to Washington and his ideological kinship with the House speaker, the Feds would be proposing $1 billion for LIP next year?


Hillary Emails: Slowww State Department Reviewers Create Gridlock

May 17, 2015 - 6:00pm

Team Hillary picked up a big, BIG playerwhen the State Department signed on to run interference for the former secretary of state-turned-presidential candidate.

The department, among the federal government's largest, might as well be an arm of the Clinton campaign. It has her back on those 55,000 pages of email she turned over last year.

FDP's Who-Dat Dinner: Best B-List, Republicrat Speakers Ever

May 11, 2015 - 6:00pm

Tulsi, who?

Look her up, Democrats -- Tulsi Gabbard. If you're going to pay $250 a plate to hear her speak, you ought to know a little bit about what she stands for.

But before I tell you, I have to ask: Aren't you guys a little offended?


I mean, your party poobahs combed the ends of the earth for the best two people they could find to jerk money out of your wallets and fire you up for the 2016 campaign kickoff and look what they came up with.

A pair of B-List speakers who have trouble packing a room in their own states.

Marine Sanctuary's Wrong Science Accelerated Florida's Coral Reef Destruction

May 10, 2015 - 6:00pm

At exactly the time I should have been paying the closest attention, Florida was suffering probably the biggest environmental disaster in its history. It happened on my watch but I wasn't watching.

During the early 1990s through 1995, 38 percent of the once-abundant living coral in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary had died.



Foolish, Foolish Hospitals, You Awoke a Sleeping Giant

May 4, 2015 - 6:00pm

Calling Rick Scott a lame duck is like calling Betty White a retired actress.

Until last week, we were hearing the "lame duck" line a lot. The media loved it. But now, except for a growing rumble in the beanstalk, it's gone eerily quiet.

Everglades Foundation, Pied Piper of Humbug and Hype

April 18, 2015 - 6:00pm

If Florida lawmakers are a little skeptical of information the Everglades Foundation puts out as fact, good for them. I applaud their instincts.

The more I look at where the EF's science has been and where it's going, the more I find to question.

The Untold, Bad-Science Story of the Everglades Foundation Founders

April 13, 2015 - 6:00pm

It's been 19 years since investigative reporters Bob Malloy and Will Bourne wrote how money and political influence contributed to the demise of water quality and the seagrass/coral reef ecosystems of Florida Bay and the Florida Keys.


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