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Nancy Smith

Get on the Bus

February 20, 2010 - 6:00pm

Today I feel like a kid again wide-eyed, heart thumping, ready to get the show on the road.

Its as if the whole family is climbing aboard a bus and starting a journey thats been in our head for as long as we can remember.

Sunshine State News was born of a need to complete the news of the day.

It was conceived for you Floridas politicians and government and business leaders at all levels youre the people who most need to arm yourselves with balance, perspective and common sense. You are the audience we aim for. Youre the folks Floridas estimated 18.5 million citizens are counting on, men and women charged with giving Florida life real quality, with preserving the best of it for future generations, with making it the national leader in how a state conducts its business.

Only a service like Sunshine State News could have lured me out of retirement. Why? Because Im a news junkie. Because I still read newspapers and online news reports and I go nuts every morning at the irrelevance or the missing angles or the factual faux pas in the anorexic stories I see. Thats why I jumped on board as fast as I could.

We want to do better. We want to connect the dots between politics and business. We want to tell the stories that most relate to you. All sides of the story.

We want to cause you to think.

Tallahassee is where Sunshine State News lives. That means, looking out ofthe windows of that family bus, youll see plenty of the Capitol, especially during this wild election year. But, I promise, over time our journey will take us all a lot farther than that.

In the days and months ahead, if we become a trip of real discovery for you, please tell your friends. If we dis appoint, please tell us. We can and will respond quickly.

Thanks so much for being part of our inaugural day.

Nancy Smith is executive editor of Sunshine State News.

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