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Keystone XL Pipeline: When Tom Steyer's Money Talks, President Obama Listens

April 24, 2014 - 6:00pm

Never mind the Kochs. After assessing who did what bad to America lately, I nominate Tom Steyer for the top of the list.

My Mistake: League of Women Voters Is Partisan as They Come

April 22, 2014 - 6:00pm

The League of Women Voters' ringing condemnation of Florida's voucher program Tuesday hit me like a bucket of ice water. All these years, clinging to the belief that the LWV is what it purports to be. I'm done with it.

CBD: Gov. Scott Is Wrong

April 21, 2014 - 6:00pm

Of course it's important for Florida to do medical marijuana right. But there comes a time when you just want the talk and the technical mumbo-jumbo and the trepidation to end.

Crunch Time in the House for Gaetz-Edwards Medical Marijuana Bill

Florida Oranges, State Symbol, Remain in Life-Death Struggle

Q&A: All Aboard Florida Responds to Sunshine State News

Charlie Crist's Debate Refusal No Way to Hug Democrats

April 16, 2014 - 6:00pm

I'm not sure what is more ridiculous, the quid-pro-quoingest former governor of our time portraying our current governor as "evil," or the same former governor blustering dismissively past the lieutenant governor with a glib "give me Scott" remark -- as if he's spoiling for a debate.

Will Florida Marijuana Businesses Be Able to Find Banks to Handle Their Accounts?

Senate Textbook Bill a Clunker

April 13, 2014 - 6:00pm

The textbook bill that passed narrowly in the Senate last week is no way to answer Common Core. It's a school-budget turkey multiplied 67 times. And worse.

What Happens to Gambling If Charlie Crist Wins?

April 10, 2014 - 6:00pm

This should be an interesting rest-of-the-year in Florida for gambling -- the issue that's supposed to be as dead as a head on a King's Landing pike. Look again. Gambling is very much alive.


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