It's one thing to suggest Democratic leaders like to position themselves either as royalty or exalted leaders above reproach -- but it's even better when they prove that theory to be correct. Enter U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson.
At yet another event staged by Democrats at the Homestead immigrant facility, this one on our nation's birthday, it was Miami Gardens Democrat Wilson -- she of the bedazzled chapeaux -- who made the bold declaration. While fielding reporters' questions, the congresswoman talked about her critics, stating emphatically that anyone who would dare mock members of Congress should be shut down. And arrested.
Wilson arrived in Homestead with her portable bully pulpit decorated for the holiday: a podium with a personalized, engraved backdrop -- perfect for the cameras which just happened to show up. Delivering her shrill (and misspoken) rebuke to the microphones in a tone about as soothing as a truck's back-up alarm, the Rhinestone Cowgirl had tough words.

Just a reminder to Frederica "Oakley": When you took office, you made a pledge to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. That happens to include the First Amendment, which actually forbids the very action you are promoting. Something about arresting critics sure seems to sound like abridging the Freedom of Speech.
There does seem to be a reason behind Frederica’s rodeo-clown words. She, and a passel of other Democratic leaders managed to tour the facility and when they emerged, judging by the invective and dramatics they employed before the tour, they had changed their tune. Could it be they deliberately employed their political bias in their descriptions of the location? I will risk Wilson's wrath and threat of arrest an say yes, that's exactly what they did.
The Homestead immigrant facility, the second-largest in the nation housing minors who have come across the border illegally, has been a Democratic Party focus for weeks. The location was a prime centerpiece for the candidates on the debate stage, and they managed to exaggerate/misrepresent/lie about the facility freely (circle any which apply). Just look at how many times the candidates referenced “cages” during the the two debates, when no such cages exist in the dormitory facility.
After touring the buildings Wilson had this to say: “While these children seem to be looked after, in a clean environment, their physical appearance is not always a gauge for mental health.” In other words, we did not find the horrific conditions we hoped we’d find, but we are still outraged. Congressman Bennie Thompson, Democrat from Mississippi, said, “It’s what I didn’t see that bothers me the most.” So, let's see: Wilson and Thompson and presumably other Democrats didn't see caged children, didn't see them sleeping on the floor, but this is bothersome?
As I detailed last year, when former Sen. Bill Nelson and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz attempted a similar grandstanding ploy at this facility, what was contained therein did not match their hysterical theories. But these are the Democrats, remember. And they can't let go of a good accusatory and demonizing narrative. Perhaps they're hoping it will stick with enough voters to make the lies worthwhile. So, even when met with the good news that children are not being mistreated, these Dems will continue to wail about what is NOT taking place.
Meanwhile, be warned: Anyone suggesting these members of Congress are acting in ill-faith run the risk of arrest. Otherwise, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson will lasso up a bunch of trouble, and that kind of stress could impact the creases in her designer pink rodeo togs. We have to show the utmost respect to those who dress up like a candy-colored extra in a square dance routine from a 1970s-era variety show -- they are above our criticism.
Brad Slager, a Fort Lauderdale freelance writer, wrote this story exclusively for Sunshine State News. He writes on politics and the industry and his stories appear in such publications as RedState and The Federalist.