Donald Trump received a major victory Thursday as delegates overwhelmingly opposed last-ditch efforts to derail his nomination.
In the wonky Rules Committee meeting in Cleveland ahead of the Republican National Convention next week, a whip team assembled by the Trump campaign worked closely with officials at the Republican National Convention to defeat anti-Trump delegates' efforts.
The RNC and Trump whip teams erupted into applause behind a sectioned-off portion of the cavernous hall when the committee adjourned, according to NBC News.
A measure presented to the 112-member committee by anti-Trump delegates was soundly defeated. It would have given Republican National Convention delegates the ability to "vote their conscience," regardless of whether they are bound to a candidate based on the results of their states' primary.
The Trump campaign was clearly worried about the possibility of chaos.
But now Trump, who let his choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence for vice president leak, is now openly asking if it's too late to change his mind.
All of a sudden, some delegates are heaving a sigh, wondering yet again -- albeit privately -- if they have candidate they can trust.
So the poll question we ask you is this: