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Washington Week

January 9, 2011 - 6:00pm

First and foremost, I know that all of those reading this will want to say a prayer for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. and the others killed or injured Saturday, Jan. 8, while she hosted her first town hall-style meeting of the new Congress in Tucson.

We all hope that God will wrap His loving and healing arms around all affected so that they each feel His deep love and healing. As more news comes of this tragedy, we learn about the true angel-like actions of 20-year-old Daniel Hernandez, the congresswomens intern. Apparently a high school class he took a few years back taught him basic triage, which may literally have saved the congresswomans life. He had the wherewithall to apply pressure to her head wound seconds after the shooter shot her in the head.

What a God moment young Hernandez displayed. I am sure we will learn more as the days progress about this unthinkable, unspeakable, unnecessary and hopefully teachable tragedy.

The Senate was already planning on being out of session this upcoming week. The House, however, had planned a vote on the repeal of health care. That vote was scheduled for Wednesday but has been postponed until at least the following week. The House speaker and leadership agreed that this week is not a time to talk politics but a time to remember those staff killed, and to help those injured and all others affected by this tragedy.

The Congress of the United States is a very strong-knit family. This comes from spending so much time together, mostly away from home, away from family and longtime friends. This is where each member of Congress and staff becomes a strong second family to each other.

This week will be a somber time in Congress but hopefully a time to be better and not bitter.

Congresswoman Giffords was serving her constituents and her constituents were attending her gathering to let her know their wants and needs. Our representative government was at work on Saturday in that grocery-store strip mall in Arizona.

So, let the prayers begin!

Elizabeth B. Letchworth is a retired, elected United States Senate secretary for the majority and minority. Currently she is senior legislative adviser for Covington and Burling, LLC and is the founder of

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