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Uncle Sam Pays More for Less Work

November 10, 2013 - 6:00pm

Uncle Sam provides better job security and more cash than his private-sector cousin.

Thats what a majority of Americans said during a recent survey by Rasmussen Reports. Not only do Americans feel public-sector employees have more job security, but the perception is that they also receive better compensation than their private-sector counterparts.

Sixty-five percent of adults asked believe that the government provides more job security than the private sector, while 13 percent believe its less and 17 percent say its about even.

At the same time, the prevailing opinion is private-sector employees work harder but make less money. The same overwhelming amount, 65 percent, of adults surveyed said government employees dont work as hard and 51 percent think they make more money for less effort.

Data recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau could back up those beliefs. The Annual Social and Economic Survey report showed that 7.7 percent of employees in the private sector make at least $100,000. On the flip side, when it comes to the government workforce that number more than doubles, with 15.6 percent of public employees making $100,000 or more each year.

According to the Census Bureau, the average wage for federal workers was $81,704, but in the private field, the average fell to $54,995.

Government employees who were surveyed by Rasmussen seem to understand they have it good. During a time of high national unemployment, 61 percent of those working for Uncle Sam admit to feeling like they have more job security than if they had a job with a private employer.

That could be because the public sector has been shown to provide more leniency. Another government agency -- the Bureau of Labor Statistics --reported in October thata government worker is 38 percent more likely to miss work for personal reasons or illnesses than a private-sector counterpart.

The survey of 1,000 adults was conducted Nov. 4-5 with a sampling error of +/-3 percent.

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