Looking at more than 150 bills that were brought up in Tallahassee this year, Americans for Prosperity’s Florida chapter (AFP-FL) released its legislative scorecard on Thursday.
Led by state Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St Petersburg, seven members of the state Senate -- all Republicans -- received either “A+” or “A” grades from AFP-FL. More than half of the 120 members of the House and almost every member of the GOP caucus received either “A+” or “A” grades from AFP-FL in the scorecard. Incoming state House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast, led AFP-FL’s honor roll in the House.
AFP-FL offered some insights on how it compiled its ratings.
“The group tracked over 150 of the most impactful bills from the 2019 legislative session, including policies to expand transparency on how local governments spend taxpayer dollars, create the Family Empowerment Scholarship, take bold steps towards criminal justice reform, and repeal parts of Florida’s certificate of need laws to help expand access to health care,” AFP-FL noted.
“Florida is improving access to health care, expanding opportunities in education, and paving the way for the Sunshine State to have an even brighter path into the future,” said AFP-FL state director Skylar Zander.
AFP-FL named 50 “Champions of Economic Freedom” which it called “the gold standard for legislators who have acted in the best interests of their constituents by pursuing policies that advance economic freedom during this year’s legislative session” and received “A+” grades on the scorecard.
“We applaud the 50 legislators that earned an A+. 2020 will provide an opportunity for our activists to continue to fight for policies that ensure every Floridian has the best chance to fulfill their potential,” Zander said.
AFP-FL is sending mail pieces supporting the 50 state legislators who earned “A+” grades on its scorecard.