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SSN's 'What Candidates Have at Stake in Florida' Series Starts Wednesday

March 8, 2016 - 10:45am

Florida, the largest swing state on the electoral map, will be on center stage next week as Democrats and Republicans vote in the presidential primaries. 

In the coming days, Sunshine State News will present “What Candidates Have at Stake in Florida,” a look at what the remaining candidates have on the line in next Tuesday’s primary. 

The series kicks off Wednesday by focusing on Bernie Sanders and what he has to win or lose in Florida as he continues his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. The focus turns to Hillary Clinton on Thursday, as the Democratic frontrunner looks to build on her win in Florida over Barack Obama's in 2008. 

On Friday, the series turns to the Republicans starting with John Kasich. Over the weekend Ted Cruz takes center stage as he looks to keep his recent momentum going. On Monday, the focus turns to Marco Rubio, who must defend his home turf. Donald Trump, currently leading the polls at the national level and in Florida, closes out the series on Tuesday when voters head to the polls.

We hope readers join us as we look at “What Candidates Have at Stake in Florida” as the presidential field makes its last push before the primary. 

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