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Nancy Smith

Short-Memory Charlie Should Learn Not to Point

December 11, 2013 - 6:00pm

Interesting to see Charlie Crist pin one of his own moves -- a vehicle-registration fee increase -- on Rick Scott.

Funnier still that Charlie would refer to the Legislature in place in 2009 as "Rick Scott's colleagues."

"When these fees were passed by Rick Scott's colleagues and signed into law, they were never meant to be permanent," the former Republican governor running for Democratic governor said in a statement Thursday.

Let's see. What was Scott doing in 2009? Busy trying to establish Solantic as a national brand of medical clinics, as far as I can tell. I don't think he had a single "colleague" in the Florida Legislature in 2009 -- let alone any interest in a bill jacking up Florida's vehicle-registration fees.

Charlie, on the other hand ... I do believe he was the guy in the governor's office in 2009. The guy whose "colleagues" presented him with the fee-hike bill he readily signed?

As Susan Hepworth, spokeswoman for the Republican Party of Florida, snapped in an email to the News Service of Florida: "Is Crist saying he's glad Rick Scott is cleaning up his mess?"

There's no question, folks. This is how the Democrats are going to play it from now until Election Day. Charlie's going to be out there ripping Scott for his own sins on the theory that everything bad in Florida happened since Rick Scott took office. And the rest of the Democrats will be in the cheering section: "Yeah, yeah, that's how it is! Right on, Charlie!"

They must think voters are too dumb to get it.

Take a look at this "poster" the Dems released (shown left), describing 2009, the year the fee increases took effect. In his media statement, Mark Hollis who distributed it, said, "Remember 2009. The Black Eyed Peas topped the pop charts with Boom Boom Pow; James Camerons Avatar debuted in theaters; Tiger Woods took leave from professional golf; And the Republican-led Florida Legislature hiked motor vehicle fees that remain in place today."

Democrats don't think voters will remember it was THEIR flip-flopping guber candidate who loved that bill, saw it through all the way to his desk and signed it.

Even House Democratic Leader Perry Thurston whipped it up for the loyal minority, issuing this statement: For too long, Governor Rick Scott has ignored Republican legislative leaders fiscal irresponsibility of leaving intact drastic tax hikes that they imposed in 2009 on working families and small businesses in the form of higher auto registration fees."

Rick Scott has already swept up a boatload of Charlie's messes, particularly the ones connected to the economy when the former governor left office.

No doubt Scott will be wielding his broom again, and sure as it rains in the forest, Charlie, Mr. See-No-Evil-Hear-No-Evil, will be lining up at the head of his new party, pretending not to point a finger at himself.

In the meantime Scott is still winning kudos for his plan to lower vehicle-registration fees by $401 million -- a plan unveiled Thursday afternoon in Tampa. When (not if) passed, it will roll back fees to register a "typical automobile" by $25.05, from $71.85 to $46.80.

It will be fun to see if Charlie can figure out a way to take credit for the rollback.

Reach Nancy Smith at or at 228-282-2423.

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