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Series Starts Tuesday: SSN's Birthday Top 20

March 7, 2015 - 6:00pm

We at Sunshine State News, in the midst of celebrating five years of covering Florida politics and business from a conservative perspective, thought this year it might be fun to stretch the birthday party out a little.

We want to reminisce on some of the people who loomed large in our news coverage since we arrived in Tallahassee at the start of the 2010 Legislature. And we hope you will like the idea.

Beginning Tuesday and for the next 20 days, we're going to profile one of those political movers and shakers on our Home page.

It's a kind of one-a-day top 20 list.

Not everybody on our list accomplished great things for Florida in five years -- though many did. Not everybody was necessarily a winner or a loser at the polls. Some made their mark boldly, but like falling stars, they didn't stay around long. Others showed us why they could be future stars.

It's a ranking of sorts. We will try to end the 20 days -- particularly the last week -- with those who have created the most impact in the last five years.

Kevin Derby and Nancy Smith, who have been on staff from the beginning, are the writers on the series.

You may not agree with all of SSN's choices. Certainly there were dozens more who might have made the list. But for better or worse, what you'll see here are the political personalities we observed trying to define the life and times of the Sunshine State during the past 60 months.

Be sure to catch the series tomorrow, from the beginning.

Who else made the list? Click here to find out!

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