On Monday, outgoing Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Department of Health announced 30 grants to projects across Florida helping in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. The funds totaling $4.8 million come from the Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program.
Governor Scott said, “Alzheimer’s is a heartbreaking disease and this funding will support research programs across the state in their efforts to find new treatments and preventions that give hope to finding a cure. We are proud to support the many individuals and families who have been affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and look forward to seeing the amazing contributions of Florida’s world-class researchers.”
State Rep. Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, who serves on the Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee and whose late wife suffered from Alzheimer’s, weighed in on the funds.
“Having been so personally impacted by this devastating disease, I recognize the great importance of continuing groundbreaking research for the prevention and cure of Alzheimer’s Disease. I am grateful to Governor Scott and my colleagues in the Legislature for their continued support of the Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program, and to Florida’s incredible researchers who are fighting this disease through innovative research so that one day we can prevent the heartbreaking impact this disease has on our families,” Plakon said.
State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. Celeste Philip also talked about the funds.
“I am pleased that the department is able to fund innovative projects and research initiatives focused on preventing Alzheimer’s Disease and improving the lives of the individuals and families that it has affected. I would like to thank Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature for their continued support of the Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program. I would also like to thank the dedicated members of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Grant Advisory Board for their project recommendations that represent our state’s agenda of prevention, recognition, treatment and family support,” Philip said.
“In Florida, there are more than 540,000 individuals living with Alzheimer’s Disease – the most well-known form of dementia. As this number is expected to increase by more than 30 percent in the next few years, it is critical that we continue to fund the vital research of programs like the Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program in their efforts to find a cure,” said Florida Department of Elder Affairs Secretary Jeff Bragg.
The finds will be distributed as follows:
Florida Atlantic University – $1,137,227.90
Neuroimaging and Sensitive Novel Cognitive Measures in Detection of Early Alzheimer’s Disease in Bilingual and Monolingual Hispanic Americans, $235,018.60
The role of exercise-induced systemic factors in Alzheimer’s Disease, $237,500
Fit2Drive: Development and Testing of a Driver Risk Predictor for Individuals with Alzheimer’s
Disease, $237,500
Peripheral Biomarkers to Define the Amyloid, Tau, Neurodegeneration (ATN) Research Framework, $237,500
Technology-based Systems to Measure Dual-task (motor-cognitive) Performance as a Biomarker for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease, $94,709.30
Effect of neuronal activity on synaptopathy in Alzheimer’s Disease using a novel multi-electrode microfluidic platform, $95,000
Florida International University – $94,998.82
Shared neuroanatomical models of psychiatric conditions and Alzheimer’s Disease spectrum disorders: The effects of depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance and associated changes in brain morphology leading to Alzheimer’s Disease
Mayo Clinic – $419,681.82
Identifying functional mutations in top Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS genes using long-read sequencing in brain tissue, $237,500
Therapeutic roles of surrogate Wnt agonist in Alzheimer Disease, $95,000
Validation of novel, selective autophagy biomarkers in Alzheimer Disease, $87,181.82
Mount Sinai Medical Center – $237,500
Impact of the MindSight Training Program on Patients with MCI and Early Stage Dementia
University of Central Florida – $94,998.91
The Florida REACH Translation Project:
Translating an EBP for an outpatient clinical setting to reach diverse community members
University of Florida – $1,369,259.81
Is Cortisol Really a Factor in Cognitive Decline? $95,000
Utilizing Data from the Electronic Medical Record to Predict Alzheimer’s and Dementia Risk,$237,500
Association of PET amyloid status with cognitive and functional outcomes of behavioral interventions in Mild Cognitive Impairment, $237,500
The Two Faces of Hypoxia in Alzheimer’s Disease, $237,497.89
Mechanisms of abnormal neuronal tau accumulation, interactions with amyloid-beta and pathological sequelae, $237,500
Responses to a Standardized Approach to Advance Care Planning in Cognitive Disorders Clinic, $87,181.82
Impact of total knee replacement surgery on trajectory of cognitive decline in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), $237,080.10
University of Miami – $828,984.20
Role of Gut Microbiota on the Brain Metabolism, Cognition, Immune Function and Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: Novel Biomarkers and Understanding Mechanisms, $87,181.82
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuropsychology, $84,301
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, $87,830
Impacts of Neighborhood Greenness & Greening Initiatives on Alzheimer’s Disease in Medicare Beneficiaries, $95,000
Middle-aged Offspring of Late Alzheimer’s Probands: Novel Cognitive and Biomarker Assessment, $237,171.38
Brain Vascular Imaging Phenotypes, Vascular Comorbidities and the Risk for Alzheimer Disease:
The Florida VIP Study of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk, $237,500
University of South Florida – $522,356.55
Palliative Care Education in Assisted Living for Care Providers of Residents with Dementia,$237,496.20
A pilot study to examine the Impact of an African Drumming for Dementia program on African Americans with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer’s Disease and their Caregivers, $95,000
Visually-Assisted Mindful Music Listening Intervention for Persons Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers: A Pilot Study, $94,860.35
Intracellular anti-Tau Proteins Engineered on a Hyperthermophilic Scaffold, $95,000
University of West Florida – $94,991.98
Impact of Adapted Dance on Mood and Physical Function among Alzheimer’s Disease Assisted Living Residents