Incoming Gov. Rick Scott named two key appointments Tuesday -- Bryan Koon as state director of emergency management and Indiana Department of Corrections Commissioner Edwin G. Buss to head up theFlorida Department of Corrections.
Like Scott, Koon has a background in the private sector, heading up Wal-marts emergency management operations. A former naval officer, Koon also served in the White House Military Office on a number of issues including emergency management. Koon also served in the White Houses Emergency Operations Center and as a trainer for presidential contingency programs.
Koon did his undergrad work in natural resources at Cornell and holds an MBA and a graduate certificate in emergency and crisis management from George Washington University. He also attended programs in homeland defense and security at the Navy Postgraduate School.
I am both proud and honored Bryan has chosen to put his wealth of experience to work protecting and defending all Floridians and ensuring our state is prepared to tackle any emergency, said Scott, who announced that he wants to move the Division of Emergency Management under the umbrella of the governors office.
Preparing for and defending against natural disasters in Florida must and should be at the top of the priority list for any administration, added Scott.This transfer will help cut bureaucratic red tape during emergencies and ensure the director has full access and accountability to Floridas CEO.
Buss has more experience in the public sector, having served under Gov. Mitch Daniels who is considering launching atry forthe Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Scott praised Buss record on financial issues, noting that he cut wasteful spending in Indiana and worked with private companies to lower costs to the taxpayers. Buss also served as superintendent of two prisons in Indiana.
I am grateful that Ed Buss is coming to Tallahassee to help me change the way the Department of Corrections does business here in Florida, said Scott. I know he is ready to get to work to ensure our prisons operate most efficiently and cost-effectively.
Said Daniels, Given the transformation and pro-taxpayer improvements of the last few years, it was inevitable that other states would come after top talent like Ed Buss. He was actively pursued by several new governors. Congratulations to Gov.-elect Scott for winning the sweepstakes."
Daniels appointed Buss to head up corrections in Indiana back in August 2008. Before heading up the Indianan State Prison in Michigan City and the Westville Correctional Facility, Buss worked his way up the ranks as a correctional officer, a correctional unit team manager and assistant superintendent of operations/programs. Buss served in the Army and studied organizational management at Bethel University in Indiana.
Reach Kevin Derby at or at (850) 727-0859.