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Pro-Life Groups Back Francis Rooney, Rebecca Negron for Congress

August 18, 2016 - 12:00am
Francis Rooney and Rebecca Negron
Francis Rooney and Rebecca Negron

The National Right to Life Committee waded into two Republican congressional primaries in Florida on Thursday, backing Francis Rooney and Rebecca Negron in open races. 

Following the Florida Right to Life Political Action Committee throwing its support to Rooney earlier this week, the National Right to Life Committee also endorsed the businessman who served as ambassador to the Vatican. 

“I am honored to be the only candidate in this primary endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee, who is doing so much to promote the culture of life,” said Rooney on Thursday. “We have a duty to protect and defend mothers and innocent unborn children. I look forward to working together in our shared mission and principles to advocate for the sanctity of life by advancing pro-life measures.”

This is just the latest endorsement from Rooney who also has the support of former presidential hopefuls Dr. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina,  Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. Rick Scott of Florida. 

Rooney is running to replace retiring Congressman Curt Clawson, R-Fla., who represents parts of Southwest Florida. Chauncey Goss, who Clawson beat in a special primary back in 2012, is also running for the Republican nomination. So is former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino who ran for federal office in Maryland in 2012 and 2014. Whoever wins the Republican primary at the end of the month will be a heavy favorite over businessman Robert Neeld, the only Democrat in the race, and two write in candidates. 

The National Right to Life and Florida Right to Life PAC also threw their support to Rebecca Negron who is running for the Republican nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Fla., who is running for the Senate. 

On Thursday, the Negron campaign released a letter from  David O’Steen and Karen Cross from National Right to Life.
“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse you for election to the U.S. House of Representatives, to represent the 18th Congressional District of Florida,” they wrote Negron. 
“This endorsement reflects your commitment to strengthening a culture of life throughout the nation and in the U.S. Congress. We look forward to working with you to protect the most vulnerable members of the human family – unborn children and medically dependent or disabled persons, whose lives are threatened by abortion or euthanasia. All voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family should vote to send you to Congress, so that you can work to advance vital pro-life public policies.”
“On behalf of Florida Right to Life PAC. I am pleased to inform you that we have given your candidacy our endorsement,” wrote  Jan Halisky from that group. “The endorsement indicates that you are the best pro-life candidate in the race and is a recommendation that our members and supporters vote for you.”
“I am thrilled that both National Right to Life and Florida Right to Life PAC have recognized my firm pro-life stance and endorsed my bid for Florida CD18,” said Negron. “I believe we must protect Florida families and establish a culture of life in our country. If elected, I will fight in opposition of federal funding for Planned Parenthood and instead will support ethical women’s health services.”
Negron faces former state Rep. Carl Domino, Dr. Mark Freeman, attorney and Republican leader Rick Kozell, Afghan War veteran Brian Mast and GOP pundit  Noelle Nikpour in the primary. This seat is expected to be competitive in November as Democrats look to retain it. 

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