January 31, 2017 will go down in America as an historic and monumental night for President Donald Trump and "We, the People."
Aside from his atounding victory Nov. 8 -- when voters across the heartland selected him to be the 45 president -- selecting Judge Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court of the United States was Trump's finest hour.
Trump's nomination hit a home run and the ball left the park.
As I watched President Trump reveal his selection on the news last night, I was overjoyed and impressed at the diligence and thought evidenced by Trump, who hand-picked Gorsuch from his published list of nominees and made good on his word.
Clearly, Trump understood the magnitude of his responsibility. He has once again proven himself to be a strong, undeterred leader and given great hope to Americans that he will uphold and honor the Constitution of the United States and defend the liberties contained therein.
Trump not only fulfilled his promise to the American people, he has nominated a man who is brilliant, with impeccable character and whose judicial record reveals a battle-tested conservative in the mold of icon and judicial legend, Antonin Scalia.
Judge Gorsuch graduated from Columbia University, Harvard and Oxford and is only 49 years old. At Columbia University, he co-founded a magazine called the Morningside Review and a newspaper called The Federalist to combat the liberal views espoused at Columbia.
Gorsuch's record reveals he does not read words into the Constitution that are not there, he is "textualist" and "originalist" and will interpret the law and opine according to the intent of the Founding Fathers.
Last night as I savored his selection, Trump reminded me of the American baseball giant in the movie "The Sand Lot."
Like the great Babe Ruth, who stunned the world with his power and skill, Donald Trump was indeed "the Sultan of Swat," "the Colossus of Clout," the "King of Crash" and "the Great Bambino."
May God continue to bless America through his fortitude and leadership.
Nancy Peek McGowan is president of the Conservative Republican Forum of Jacksonville. She is also a finance builder for conservative Republican candidates statewide and on the national level.
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