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President Obama Endorses Rick Kriseman ... But Did He Really?

August 25, 2017 - 9:30am

In this morning's Politico Playbook, it was reported that President Obama endorsed Rick Kriseman for St. Petersburg mayor.


When President Obama truly is "all in" for someone, he does more than issue a statement.

In fact, we all recall when President Obama "endorsed" Democratic members running for the state Legislature.

In reality, President Obama didn't know these people from a hole in the ground.

The Florida Democratic Party assembled a list of people and THEY had President Obama "endorse" these folks.

Something tells me good old Stephen Bittel, chairman of the Florida Democratic Party, is trying to pull a fast one on the black people of St. Petersburg.

Don't trust it, St. Pete!

He knows that Rick Kriseman can't just count on the black vote by virtue of being a Democrat, so he's calling on who he thinks is the Pied Piper of Black People.

Barack Obama.

Who actually wrote the endorsement?

This is yet another example of how stupid the FDP thinks black voters are.

I guess Stephen Bittel isn't aware of the 209,000 black voters who stayed home in Florida, because Hillary Clinton didn't actually bring her message to them, and thought all she had to do was wave Barack-the-black-man in the faces of these people and get their votes.

Why isn't the message that Rick Kriseman hasn't been a great friend to the black community in St. Petersburg sinking in?

I'll tell you why.

It doesn't matter to Stephen Bittel, Rick Kriseman, or anyone else who doesn't want to address the issue, and just wants the vote of the black community.

Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see through this latest trick, and Ray has gone to glory!

Discuss the closing of the Walmart grocery store.

Discuss the closing of the Walgreens.

Discuss the closing of Sylvia's, which is now being gentrified all to hell.

Discuss the attention paid to Downtown, instead of Midtown.

Do those things, instead of waving President Barack Obama in the faces of black people, as if they are mindless, non-thinking, zombies.

Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1

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