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Power Cedes Nothing Without Demand

January 14, 2017 - 8:00pm

Stephen Bittel succeeded in buying his way into the FDP chair position. He conned people -- enough of them, anyway -- into believing money will win elections.

Democrats have been down this road before. We will go down the losing road again. One consolation will be that Bill Nelson will be gone in 2018. Whether the Democrats field another candidate will be up to them.

I did have a little fun in this chair's race, however. I got to even the playing field, so to speak.

What happened in Miami-Dade was a travesty. Bittel and company decided to take matters into their own hands and bully Dwight Bullard out of a position to run for FDP chair.

Well, I, Leslie Wimes, made things right.

Yes, I was behind Dwight Bullard's Gadsden move. I called in a few favors, and it was a done deal.

What was good for the goose, was certainly good for the gander. 

While the outcome wasn't what I wanted, Dwight Bullard got a DNC slot, and that isn't too shabby.

He will be joining my dear friend Virgie Rollins, DNC Black Caucus chair. She is a wonderful person, and my mentor.

I only wish I had stayed more involved in the overall race for the chair process!

Progressives have to start being more proactive, as opposed to reactive. No more waiting on the establishment to make moves.

The moves have to be made first.

I have some more ideas I will be implementing soon, so stay tuned!

There were some good things to come out of this reorganization, and there were some things that will have to be righted.

Anyone who knows me, knows I hold grudges.

Francesca Menes was the shining star for this race. I'm impressed with that young lady, and I'm not easily impressed. It's hard to find people who stand by their convictions in politics these days.

Bravo Francesca!

What also has impressed me has been the number of messages and calls from people who did not have a vote in this election, who are upset that Dwight Bullard did not make it as FDP Chair.

They want to know where do we go from here.

I know where we're going. I'm telling them where we are going. You see, it won't be until we demand what we want, that we are taken seriously.

That demand has to be in the form of action. Stephen Bittel can't buy the entire state. Remember, no Democrat can win statewide without the black vote. Having black faces on a board doesn't equate to addressing issues.

We've told them that time and time again.

Now we have to do a better job of showing them than we have of telling them.

The perfect place is at the polls. The perfect time is 2018.

So, to all of my haters out there, just wait. There's gonna be so much more for you to be mad at.


Leslie Wimes is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.

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