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Patrick Murphy Backs Jeremy Ring in CFO Race

March 5, 2018 - 6:30pm
Patrick Murphy and Jeremy Ring
Patrick Murphy and Jeremy Ring

The Democratic leadership in Florida continues to line up behind former state Sen. Jeremy Ring who is running to be the Sunshine State’s CFO.

On Monday, former U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Fla., threw his support behind Ring. After coming up short in his effort to topple U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., in 2016,  Murphy had garnered buzz as a possible candidate for the CFO race but he eventually stayed out of the contest. 

“While most politicians in Tallahassee lack the vision to address the very real problems facing our state, I have been tremendously impressed by Jeremy's acuity,” Murphy said. “From Yahoo to the Florida Senate, there is no other candidate with the extensive background and innovative ideas he brings to the table. That’s why I’m proud to support him.  After 20 years of Republican rule, Floridians are hungry for a fresh approach and I can think of no one better than Jeremy Ring to steer us forward."

“I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know Congressman Murphy over the years and I couldn’t be more grateful to have his support,” Ring said. “Patrick is one of the rare few who used his time in public office to actually work toward solving problems and not just political grandstanding. During his time in Congress, he worked to bring a commonsense approach to governing and served as a tireless advocate for working Floridians.  As Florida’s next CFO, I plan to use that same approach in Tallahassee."

Murphy also sent out an email to his supporters on Monday showcasing his support for Ring. 

With Murphy now officially not interested, Ring has a clear shot to the Democratic nomination. The Republican side is a little murkier. Gov. Rick Scott appointed Jimmy Patronis, who served in the state House and on the PSC, to the post after Jeff Atwater vacated it. Patronis is running for a term in his own right but he could face state Sen. Tom Lee who was the Republican nominee in the CFO race back in 2006. 


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