By now, one would have to be living under a rock to not be aware of the allegation of inappropriate behavior/invasion of personal space made by Lucy Flores against former VP Joe Biden. Read the story here.
Lucy alleged that Biden kissed her head and made her feel uncomfortable.
That allegation led to others “claiming” inappropriate behavior on the part of Joe Biden.
Well, as far as Flores goes, while there is no evidence of Biden committing the act she says made her so uncomfortable, there IS evidence that Lucy was all up in Biden’s personal space.
Being the “I Love Lucy” fan that I am, in the words of Ricky Ricardo,

Lucy, girl, your hands are on this man’s body!
YOU are standing awfully close.
YOU are smiling like a Cheshire Cat!
Make this make sense, Lucy.
Is touching allowed only when YOU are the perpetrator?
You claim you don’t have a political agenda, but I’m not buying it.
If you don’t want to vote for Biden, don’t do it; however, clutching your pearls and claiming Biden invaded your personal space, all the while being Miss Octopus with him isn’t going to cut it.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1