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Libertarian Adrian Wyllie is Bad News for Charlie Crist

September 8, 2014 - 6:00pm
Adrian Wyllie has shown he will be a factor in the Florida gubernatorial race, but despite his positions on fiscal issues, Wyllie is hurting Charlie Crist slightly more than he is Rick Scott.

A sharp and passionate advocate of his beliefs, Wyllie has been a breath of fresh air for Libertarians, building on the momentum they have gained in recent campaigns like Alex Snitkers Senate bid in 2010, Gary Johnsons presidential campaign in 2012 and Lucas Overbys and Rey Netherwoods efforts in special congressional elections earlier this year.

Depending on the survey, Wyllie has generally polled anywhere from mid to high single digits, far exceeding other Libertarian efforts in Florida. His numbers will probably come down when votes are actually counted -- much like Overby and Netherwood saw earlier this year -- but, whatever the final result, Wyllie has noticeably advanced his party and its cause, no small accomplishment in a large state with too many media markets for most third-party efforts to truly flourish.

Polls have shown Wyllie holding Crist back more than Scott. For example, a recent Tampa Bay Times poll had Scott leading Crist by 5 percent when Wyllie was included and by 6 percent when the Libertarian was left out.

Ayn Rand and the Objectivists often come to mind when people think of libertarianism but there are also social issues to consider and thats how Wyllie is hurting Crist. To be sure, Wyllie presents a much smaller budget and state government than what Scott and the Republicans in Tallahassee have proposed. Wyllie often focuses on fiscal issues but his social positions generally get more attention -- much to Crists chagrin.

Take the issue of same-sex marriage. After much hemming and hawing as he transformed from a conservative Republican to a moderate candidate with no party affiliation to now a liberal Democrat, Crist now supports same-sex marriage. Back in 2008, when he was angling to be John McCains running mate, Crist cheered the proposed state Constitution amendment recognizing only marriage between a man and a woman. Crist was instrumental in that amendment passing in 2008 but he has since disavowed that position. Wyllie, on the other hand, leaves no room for doubt, strongly supporting same-sex marriage.

The same patterns holds true in regard to drug legalization. After years of brandishing his drug- and crime-fighting record as Chaingang Charlie," Crist, of course, supports Amendment 2 on medial marijuana which his old boss John Morgan spearheads. Wyllie goes much further than Crist, calling for full-scale legalization.

Wyllie is also gunning for young voters with his positions on social issues and his campaign tactics, including his recent tour of craft breweries around Florida. Those are voters Crist is counting on against Scott, meaning the Libertarian is, once again, hurting the Democrat. Wyllie will have his chance to shine as he is already scheduled to share a debate stage with Scott and Crist, factoring even further into the equation as the race reaches its final weeks.

Whatever happens in November, Wyllie has shown he will be more than a mere afterthought and he could end up influencing this race. So far at least, thats bad news for Charlie Crist.

Tallahassee-based political writer Jeff Henderson wrote this analysis exclusively for Sunshine State News.

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