The Far-Left Democratic Party -- you know, the party that removed any mention of God from its platform and booed and jeered when a pro-forma mention of the Creator was added -- has found a new cloak for its anti-religious liberty policies: newly re-energized Leftist Christians.
Vietnam-era Leftist Christian leaders, such as Yale University chaplain William Sloane Coffin Jr., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Father Daniel Joseph Berrigan SJ, Philip Berrigan, a former Josephite priest, Br. David Darst, a De La Salle Christian Brother, Thomas Melville, a former Maryknoll priest, Tom Cornell, a leader among the Catholic Worker movement, Reverend Richard Neuhaus, John B. Sheerin, the editor of Catholic World and prominent Catholic layman Michael Novak -- all inspired a generation of Leftist Christian seminarians and activists.
This Soviet-funded Christian Left, that led the nuclear disarmament movement and the opposition to the Vietnam War and Ronald Reagan’s defense build-up, never really went away. They simply faded from the front page when their ties to Moscow were revealed and their ideology was discredited by Reagan’s victory over the Soviet Union.
Now they are back, leading the sanctuary city and open borders movements with funding from anti-Christian billionaire and Nazi collaborator George Soros, billionaire climate change fanatic and Impeach-Trump PAC founder Tom Steyer and their fellow travelers.
And they’ve found the perfect vehicles for their Far Left ideology in Florida’s socialist Democratic candidate for governor, Andrew Gillum, and his running mate, Far Left Orlando millionaire Christopher King.
King, an “entrepreneur” from Winter Park, studied religion at Harvard and law at the University of Florida. When he filed to run for governor in May, he called himself a “Christian progressive,” according to reporting by James Call for the Tallahassee Democrat.
"What we have seen across the country at Homestead and other places is an example of how the Religious Right and the conservative Christian community in this country have twisted the issues that are of most importance to people and to caring about people," King said in response to a question about migrant children being separated from their parents and housed in Florida, reported by Mr. Call.
"The number one job of the governor of Florida, or a state like this, is to stand up for communities that don’t have a voice," said King.
Like many other monied Leftwing activists, King made much of his money from government subsidies; an “affordable housing entrepreneur,” King reports a net worth of $17 million.
Liberal churches -- especially African-American churches -- formed a key constituency in Andrew Gillum’s come-from-behind victory over establishment candidate Gwen Graham in Florida’s Democratic Party primary election.
The Miami Herald's David Smiley, Alex Daugherty and Martin Vassolo reported that at one of Miami’s best-known black churches, Pastor Arthur Jackson III delivered a message before the Sunday sermon.
“This is a critical election,” he said, speaking from the pulpit as the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church flock fluttered fans bearing the likeness of Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum. “We have to make it happen.”
The Sunday before the Democratic primary Andrew Gillum visited seven different black churches.
Traveling Miami-Dade County alongside state Sen. Annette Taddeo, Gillum made stops at St. Peter’s Missionary Baptist Church, The Bethel Church in Miami, Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church, Martin Memorial Church and Cathedral of Praise in Miami and at Second Baptist Church in Richmond Heights.
While on his tour of this key constituency, Gillum noted he was baptized at The Bethel Church, and his mother Frances Gillum sat in the pews that day at Sweet Home Missionary Baptist.
Along the way, of course, Gillum and Taddeo posted pictures of themselves with community leaders including Apostle Carlos Malone, Rev. Robert Brooks, Pastor Kay Dawson, Rev. Anthony Reed and Pastor Theo Johnson, reported Jacob Ogles for FloridaPolitics.com. At one church the congregation prayed over him, right arms extended.
African–American voters make up about 29 percent of Florida’s registered Democrats, so Gillum’s focus on that constituency was a key element of his success in the Democratic Primary.
But if the votes of African–American Christians helped Gillum achieve his three-point win over Gwen Graham, it was the money of Soros, Steyer and other Far Left billionaires that powered the effort.
Gillum also has deep connections with Far-Left billionaires Tom Steyer and Nazi collaborator George Soros.
As Benjamin Wallace-Wells reported for the New Yorker:
"Gillum had also recognized that the big money in the Democratic Party -- Steyer’s money, George Soros’ money -- is now on the left, not the center. Last year, Gillum watched closely as Soros’ cash helped propel progressive candidates to victory in several local elections, including the Philadelphia district attorney’s race.
"Gillum was familiar with Soros and his organization, the Open Society Foundation. A few years ago, he helped launch a national network for young progressive elected officials, and the Open Society Foundation was the group’s main donor. He had been in the financier’s New York apartment, addressed his board of directors, and, this spring, dined with him in San Francisco when the two men happened to be in town. Soros committed to back Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign. 'If I’m remembering it correctly, it was, ‘We don’t know if you can win, but we would like what it could represent,’ ' Gillum said. 'I interpreted it to mean that it would be significant to see a person of color taken seriously in a statewide race.'
"Gillum managed to get a meeting with Steyer, too. 'At the beginning, he told me he had a rule around trying to stay out of primaries,' Gillum told me. 'As I talked to him about what I believed, I told him, straight up, ‘In your brand of politics, you are never going to have anyone come out of these primaries who shares that belief system if you don’t get involved.’ He needed money to beat money. On June 28, 'Steyer’s organization, NextGen America, announced it would commit a million dollars to support Gillum’s campaign."
The Thursday before the election, Politico reported that Gillum had taken in a last-minute windfall of $650,000 -- $300,000 from Steyer, $250,000 from Soros and $150,000 from anonymous individuals “affiliated” with those two billionaires.
Gillum and King will cloak their campaign in the mantle of churches across Florida, but make no mistake about their ideology -- it is the same Far Left ideology of open borders, sanctuary cities, big government, socialism and abortion on demand that their backers billionaires George Soros, Tom Steyer and other “progressive” Democrats stand for. We urge our conservative friends in Florida, especially Florida’s conservative Christians and faith-based organizations, to get organized to support Republicans Ron DeSantis for governor and his lieutenant governor candidate, state Rep. Jeanette Nuñez.
ConservativeHQ Editor George Rasley is an ordained elder of the Presbyterian Church and a member of Faith Leaders for America. The views expressed in this column are his own and not necessarily the views of any denomination, congregation or organization.