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John Morgan's Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

December 11, 2013 - 6:00pm

"For the People" might be the slogan of John Morgan's law firm, but John Morgan and his family certainly don't act like any common person they represent. While they outwardly state they're not for the powerful, the social media accounts of John Morgan's sons paint a very different picture of the uber lawyer and his family.

At first glance, John Morgan's son Matt Morgan seems like an average guy: a polished, prim and proper attorney. His Twitter account seems normal enough. No crazy tweets, no fancy cars, no ritzy vacations. Matt Morgan retweets the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis, who promote messages of goodwill to all men.


But a deeper look at Matt's Instagram account gives viewers a glimpse into a life of private jets, trips to Paris, fancy hotel rooms, meetings with Barack Obama and private performances by Jimmy Buffett at the Morgan's 18,000 square foot mansion.

It's a life 99 percent of Floridians dont have, and quite frankly, a life most Floridians cannot even imagine.

Morgan's other son, Daniel Morgan, is even flashier on his Instagram account. Daniel isnt even out of law school -- he's only 24 -- yet lives the lifestyle of a rich playboy: he hangs out with NBA basketball player Joakim Noah of the Chicago Bulls, pops bottles of champagne at Las Vegas pool parties, and even rode in the parade for the Boston Red Sox after their World Series victory this year.


In one photo, Daniel Morgan says even his dog -- who appears to be seated comfortably aboard the Morgan & Morgan private jet -- refuses to fly a commercial airline.

"I'm not complaining," said Morgan in the photo.

Matt Morgan called the private jet the 'wings of justice' in a photo of the plane, which is emblazoned with the Morgan & Morgan logo. The plane takes them around the country as they go vacationing.

The Morgans pop bottles on their private jet, smiling as the camera flashes for another shot.

Charlie Crist even makes an appearance in one photo, sitting poolside in shorts at the Morgans' beachfront property, apparently enjoying the plethora of libations provided at the hands of his boss.

Another photo shows Daniel Morgan clad in sunglasses wearing a shirt that says "My Game Is Money."

The slogan apparently couldnt be more perfect for the Morgans, who seem to use social media to take every opportunity imaginable to wave their ritzy lifestyle in front of the common man's face.

In a world of social media, appearances are important, especially for people like John Morgan, who have made it their life's mission to represent the people of Florida. On top of that, Morgan waves the banner of several high-profile campaigns like the medical marijuana petition and supports former governor Charlie Crist in his campaign to take back his old job as the top dog in Florida politics.

Morgan has even toyed with the possibility of his other son, Mike, running for Florida attorney general next year. Just this week, he was asking his followers what they thought of Mike Morgan making a run for Pam Bondi's job. Matt Morgan did the same on his own Twitter account.

But while social media is one thing, appearances are important in politics, too. Gov. Rick Scott has been criticized by Crist and others for flying his private jet around the state to hold press conferences, but a search for similar photos of Scott and his family jet-setting Morgan style came up dry.

John Morgan is dipping his hand deep into the 2014 elections, but just like anyone else involved in politics, perhaps he should be mindful of public perception before preaching hes getting involved for the greater good of Floridians and not for, well, something else.

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