Yes, you read that correctly.
I, Leslie Wimes, am saying I would much rather have Allison Tant as chair of the Florida Democratic Party, than I would Stephen Bittel, and here is why:
For all of her faults, and she had many, Allison was not dangerous.
Stephen Bittel is the Democratic version of Donald Trump, and it amazes me that people like Bill Nelson and others around this state want to put him at the head of a party of people who do not want him, simply because he has money.
Stephen Bittel has an agenda for the FDP that you folks are not aware of, and it is solely to benefit STEPHEN BITTEL.
Sound familiar? Does that remind you of POTUS? It should, if it doesn't.
The WikiLeaks emails have proven that the Washington people do not like Stephen Bittel. Now, while that in and of itself is not a disqualifier, the fact that Washington folks generally LOVE a deep pocket should tell you something is wrong with this man.
Some of my friends here in Florida who have had the misfortune of being around Bittel confirm he is indeed a nasty, abrasive man. Even THAT isn't necessarily a disqualifier, but evil is afoot here folks. You know, in the Donald Trump mold. I guess he has Trump-envy and now wants to BE Trump and is using the FDP to do it.
Who knows.
At any rate, what I do know is that this FDP chair's race is going to cause Democrats to lose the lone statewide elected office it currently holds: (former) Sen. Bill Nelson.
Don't get me wrong, holding onto that seat is shaky anyway, but by Nelson sticking his nose into this race and trying to shove Bittel down the throats of Florida Democrats, well, he has not endeared himself at all.
The fact that he rarely steps foot in South Florida, let alone the black community, which he WILL need, doesn't bode well either.
I've always been honest with you guys about where I stand. Until Nelson puts the constituents first, and not deep pocket donors, I will not be voting for him.
Hell, I may do what thousands of people in the presidential election did, and write in Harambe.
LMAO! God, that kills me!
So, as of right now, this is one Democrat who will NOT be voting for Bill Nelson.
Now, he has the opportunity to change that, or not. The choice is his.
Oh, and Stephen Bittel, exactly who in the black community would you get to speak on your behalf? We certainly are not checking for you.
At least Tant had a couple of black friends.
Our community will not forget how you and your friends tried to railroad Dwight Bullard.
I'm going to make sure of that.
So when it's time to get people elected, exactly how will you be effective?
Let me answer that question for you.
You won't be.
Listen up, every Democrat planning on running statewide, from Gwen Graham, Jeremy Ring, Philip Levine, Bob Buckhorn, (former) Sen. Bill Nelson, and anybody else even THINKING about it:
You're gonna lose.
These shenanigans right here. It's just that simple.
Do the right thing.
Call Spike Lee if you have to. He can tell you all about it.
Leslie Wimes is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.