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Former Abortionist Turns Pro-Life, Helps Pass Federal Legislation

June 19, 2013 - 6:00pm

Former abortionist turned pro-life advocate Dr. Anthony Levatino has a story to tell. Early in his career, he performed more than 1,000 abortions, during a time when he and his wife were going through infertility, which created great inner turmoil.

Aborting as many as 10 babies a week, he wished he could take even one as his own. But, the tragic loss of his adopted daughter in a car accident changed the course of his life.

Now an advocate for life, Levatino testified before the U.S. House in support of the Pain Capacity Unborn Child Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., which would ban late-term abortions after 20 weeks. As the doctor held up medical instruments used in abortion, he explained in minute detail the process.

Other health professionals and patients alike have also had a change of heart. For the last 10 years, John Barros, an Evangelist with the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, has stood on the sidewalk outside of Orlando Womens Center preaching Gods love and forgiveness, and praying for a change of heart for both abortionists and the women who choose to terminate.

Barros tells Sunshine State News of a woman he helped named Amanda, who planned a late-term abortion at 24 weeks. Changing her mind, she ran out of the clinic and straight to the waiting Evangelist, and now her baby is 6 months old.

Last summer, Barros says, Dr. Scott Spagnolo-Hye, a former doctor at OWC excitedly ran out to Barros and told him to film his statement. He said on camera: I quit!

OWC closed last week after defaulting on a $36 million medical malpractice judgment from 2001 on a botched late-term abortion.

Michele Lewis, director of the Cornerstone Pregnancy Center, tells SSN there are alternatives to OWC where women can find help and support. CPC stands ready to offer women facing unplanned pregnancies the opportunity to choose life for their children by offering compassionate friendship, parenting education, adoption education, community resource referrals, and material support, she said.

The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed the House 228-196. The bill is expected to be dead-on-arrival in the Senate. President Barack Obama threatened to veto the bill if it passed.

Lisa Folch, an Orlando-based freelance writer, wrote this piece.

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