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Florida Voices: Charlie Crist Kicks Off 2014 Campaign

November 3, 2013 - 6:00pm

"[Crist] represents all Floridians, whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent ... whether you come from South Florida, North Florida, Tampa Bay or Orlando. He stands up and sides with the average Floridian."

-- U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Fla.

"In four years, Charlie Crist switched three times the core principles he said he would be faithful to -- Republican then Independent now Democrat. In private, Democrats have to be wondering, "Will he use us to be something else next year?" I respect, even honor opponents who stand by their principles. I cannot respect an opponent who has no principles and therefore no honor."

-- Florida Senate President Don Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach

The bigger the checkbook, the harder they fall. Can Scott win with $$$ if Floridians don't like him?

-- Florida Sen. Darren Soto, D-Orlando

"Throughout his career, Charlie Crist has only been interested in one person -- himself. When things got tough in Florida, he abandoned the state to pursue the bright lights of Washington, D.C. During his four-year term, 830,000 Floridians lost their jobs, the unemployment rate increased over 7 points, and state debt increased by over $5 billion. This is the record of a failed governor and there is bipartisan agreement that Charlie Crist shouldn't be governor. If he wants to be governor again why did he quit the first time around?"

-- Lenny Curry, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida

"For the hard-working volunteers of the FFRW, one of our crowning glories is the complete political annihilation of then-Republican, failing governor Charlie Crist in 2010. To help expose the tremendous fiscal failures, the untrustworthiness of Charlie Crist and not only run him out of office but out of the Party was exhilarating. Now we have the inexplicable chance at a re-do and we could not be more motivated. The double-dealing Crist policies created nothing but failure for Floridians as he first attempted to run for vice president under any GOP candidate that would take him in 2007-2008 and then moved on to the humiliating 2010 U.S. Senate race -- all of which left Charlie little time to govern. His utter failure as a governor did not just adversely affect Republicans from 2006-2010 but every citizen in Florida with the loss of 832,000 jobs and increased state debt by $5 billion which resulted in double-digit unemployment. Governor Scott has reversed this disaster and we look forward to spreading the news of Rick Scott's unprecedented success of helping private industry create almost 400,000 jobs and overseeing the second largest unemployment drop in the nation. Thank you, Charlie, for giving us the opportunity to expose you as the failure you are once again!"

--Cindy Graves, president, Florida Federation of Republican Women

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