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Florida Roundtable's Top 10 Reasons Medicaid Expansion Is Wrong for Florida

May 28, 2015 - 2:30pm

The "Florida Deserves Better" website, created by Florida Roundtable, gives the Florida House point of view and, in the process, this "top 10" list of reasons for rejecting Obamacare/Medicaid expansion in the Sunshine State.

The site urges "lower costs and greater options for all Floridians."

Full disclosure: Florida Roundtable is registered with the Florida Division of Elections as a political committee, with Rep. Richard Corcoran as chairman, Abby Dupree as treasurer and Richard E. Coates as registered agent.

Here is the list, ending with the primary reason for rejection:

10. Expansion is being backed by the large corporate hospitals and Tallahassee’s army of health care lobbyists.

9. Every dollar of Medicaid expansion will be borrowed from China and other foreign powers or printed. Empty promises from an empty Treasury in Washington, D.C.

8. Visits to Emergency Rooms -- the costliest family care -- will continue to climb. Expanding Medicaid with doctors not accepting Medicaid patients will only drive more tax dollars to expensive hospitals. (See No. 10)

7. Medicaid costs to Florida taxpayers went from 21 percent of the state budget in 2006-07 to 31 percent of the state budget in 2014-15. It is expected to consume nearly 40 percent by 2020.

6. Expansion does nothing to crack down on more than $50 billion in annual Medicaid fraud nationwide.

5. Florida will be held hostage -- as it already has been -- to the whims of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.

4. Unsustainable Medicaid growth shrinks funding for other budget items -- notably education.

3. Over 40 percent of the best doctors in Florida won't accept Medicaid patients.

2. Extensive research indicates that Medicaid recipients actually do worse than all other patients, including those people without any insurance at all.

1. Medicaid doesn’t actually improve health outcomes.


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