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Five Things Hillary Clinton Wants You to Forget in 2016

January 13, 2016 - 11:30am

Last year Hillary Clinton made several stops across the Sunshine State in order to explain her goal of obtaining the Democratic presidential nomination. One thing was very clear during her political events in Florida and across the nation: she was avoiding several topics, scandals, and questions surrounding her campaign.

It’s no secret that Hillary’s bob-and-weave strategy will continue this year -- especially with the latest news of the FBI expanding its investigation into her private email server. Here are the five top things she wants you to forget in 2016:

1. Her unsuccessful record as secretary of state. Well, there actually isn’t any “record” for Hillary to run on -- unless you count international tragedies like the Benghazi attacks in 2012. In that case, Hillary Clinton definitely has a record. But it’s a pretty terrible one.
Everything regarding the incident in Benghazi reeks of the inept leadership that we’ve all come to expect from Hillary. Before the attacks, U.S. intelligence confirmed a considerable threat against the poorly defended U.S. compound, but Hillary’s State Department denied repeated requests for increased security measures. In fact, 600 security requests at Benghazi never even made it to her desk.  Maybe Clinton thought she knew more than the U.S. intelligence community. Sadly, she didn’t, and unfortunately, four American lives were lost during the Benghazi attacks.
Maybe you think I am biased in not naming her “accomplishments” and highlighting her faults. In that case, here is what her own supporters have to say about her record.

2. The Secret Email Server. You’ve probably heard of Hillary Clinton’s secret server by now. Honestly, you’re probably sick of hearing about the secret server by now. You may have seen Hillary Clinton on the news talking about wiping it "like with a cloth or something". However, the details around the server are a little confusing, so here’s a breakdown:

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was given a “dot gov” email account so the government could make sure all the sensitive information she was sending was safe and secure (say that five times fast). Seems reasonable, right? It is, and all government officials use one. Well, except Hillary Clinton, who decided to use her own private email account, which was run by her own private email server locked in a closet in her own private mansion. To us, that doesn’t sound convenient at all, but ‘convenience’ was the precise excuse Hillary provided when confronted about the existence of the server.
The secret server is big deal because as one of the highest ranking government officials in the nation, Hillary Clinton may have had information stored on that server that hackers and enemies of the U.S. would want to steal, and such information would be very easy to obtain because Clinton’s private email simply wasn’t held to the same security standards as government ones. One cyber-security expert called it "total amateur hour." Shots fired. We already know that the server was hacked twice from a computer in Serbia. The FBI is still probing to figure out if the secret server compromised national security.
But it wasn’t "convenient" for Clinton, so she’d rather risk it. We can’t wait to see the changes she makes for convenience if she takes the Oval Office. Shudder.

3. The Clinton Foundation. We don’t know much about Hillary Clinton’s foundation, but that’s probably the way Hillary wants it. The Clintons’ charity is famous for being overly secretive about who donates and how much money they give, even after Clinton promised to disclose all foreign donations to the foundation when she took office as secretary of state.

The foundation hasn’t even come close to doing so.

We understand why Clinton would make such a promise. After all, wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest for the secretary of state to accept donations to her own charity that may intersect with U.S. foreign policy? It would be, but that didn’t seem to deter Hillary at all. The Clinton Foundation has failed to disclose a staggering 1,100 foreign donations. It seems that Hillary Clinton isn’t too concerned about transparency (see No. 2).

The foreign donations aren’t the only shady thing about the Clinton Foundation. Have you heard of Sidney Blumenthal? He is the Clinton BFF that the Obama administration refused to let Hillary hire into the State Department. So, Hillary, being Hillary, just hired Blumenthal into the Clinton Foundation, where he advised Clinton on State Department matters anyway, including issues pertaining to Benghazi. Hillary Clinton just can’t take no for an answer.

4. Her Poll Numbers. It’s not a scandal, but Hillary Clinton has tried extremely hard to cover it up: The truth is, people find her out-of-touch and unlikable. They don’t feel she is trustworthy. I wonder why?

A recent Quinnipiac poll asserted that 60 percent of Americans don’t trust Hillary Clinton. We’re even more surprised that percentage isn’t higher, considering some of the issues she’s been having lately. Trust issues, actually. According to the Huffington Post, Clinton has risen to a 51.5 percent unfavorable rating since a year ago. And as more details of her failed record come to light, it’s only getting worse.

While Hillary Clinton might think showing off her dance moves on "Ellen" might increase her poll numbers, she’s wrong. Voters want to see action, accountability, and a reputable track record in their candidate for president of the United States -- things Hillary Clinton sorely lacks. She’s not a bad dancer, though.

5. Everything Else. Look, if this were a list of everything Hillary Clinton wanted voters to forget about in 2016, you’d be reading this article for hours. Hillary has been in politics for a long, long time, and she’s been making bad choices since Day 1. From the Whitewater scandal to her questionable speaking fees, Hillary Clinton just can’t seem to stay out of scrutiny. Yet in 2016, she’s running for president again.

In 2008, our nation’s voters made it clear they would not accept another Clinton presidency. And this year, in this incredibly momentous election, they will make it clear yet again.

State Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, is the chairman of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF). This op-ed originally ran at the Independent Journal  Review and was republished with permission. 


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