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Cretul Backs Rubio, Blasts Crist

April 19, 2010 - 6:00pm

House Speaker Larry Cretul endorsed Marco Rubios candidacy for U.S. Senate on Tuesday ripping into Gov. Charlie Crist as a politician ready to do just about anything to preserve his political ambitions.

The tone Cretul used to lash out at Crist was rare for the understated Ocala Republican. But Cretul hinted that Crists veto last week of a teacher merit-pay plan supported by Republican leadership but opposed by Democrats and the states largest teachers union played a central role in his endorsement.

Marcos thoughtful, intelligent and principled conservatism are a sharp contrast with his opponents erratic behavior and his relentlessly negative and desperate attacks against Marco and the Republican-led Florida Legislature, Cretul said. During the past few months, Gov. Crist has confirmed what most Floridians already knew about him, which is that hes willing to say or do just about anything to preserve his political ambitions.

With the Legislature less than two weeks from its scheduled finish, Cretuls blast is likely to further corrode relations between the Republican governor and GOP legislative leaders.

When told of Cretuls comments, Crist said little, other than to say he planned to treat him as a gentleman.

But speculation among House members from both parties was that Cretuls harsh reaction stemmed from Crists own tough talk last weekend in Jacksonville at an appearance before teachers. Crist questioned, Who is running the asylum? in characterizing the thinking that led to the merit-pay proposal.

His comments were completely inappropriate, said House Majority Leader Adam Hasner, R-Delray Beach. Those politics of personal destruction have always been something (Crist) says he doesnt believe in. He should apologize.

Rep. Ron Saunders, D-Key West, also acknowledged that the asylum comment likely enflamed Cretul. He probably took it personally, Saunders said. After all, hes one of the ones running it.

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