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Nancy Smith

Charlie's Lame Dinner Excuse

September 9, 2014 - 6:00pm

Now that the news is out there, it's a question that must be asked: Why won't at least one of the Crists attend the Democratic Women's Club of Florida convention?

Democrats love and value women, right? Why would the party's top-of-ticket candidate skip the women's premier annual state event?

I'm told it's because the Crists have a genuine conflict: The Women's Club convention, Sept. 18-20 in St. Augustine, happens to coincide with the Palm Beach County Democratic Party's 10th annual Truman Kennedy Johnson Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 20.

One ranking party member told me, "Charlie has to go where the biggest cash register can ring up donations, and on Sept. 18, that's going to be the West Palm Marriott."

OK, I get it, I live in the real world. Those women don't have any money to speak of, and from now until Nov. 4, candidates' time is necessarily for sale.But here's my problem -- two problems -- with the lame-o "conflict" excuse.

First, there is more than one Crist. What about Carole? Couldn't Carole have stepped up to the plate, attended in her husband's place? Even made a speech on Charlie's behalf? As I understand it, Carole is better acquainted with the party playbook and direction than Charlie is. And you just know, being among friends, she would get a rousing and warm welcome -- probably score a pile of points for bravely flying solo among so many new faces.

But, nope, Carole Crist was never an option for Women's Club convention chairJulia Heckendorn because her presence was never offered.

Second, the St. Augustine convention begins Thursday. Do the Crists have something more important planned, say, for Friday night, Sept. 19, as well as Saturday? Even without the gift of one of Crist's in-kind plane rides, it's a four-hour drive from Fort Lauderdale to St. Augustine -- doable, one would think, for a gubernatorial candidate who could stand to give the women of his new party a little sugar.

Surely conventioneers would welcome an impromptu Crist appearance. Maybe the Crists will make a liar of me yet, drop out of the sky like a pair of Vegas Elvises. But don't hold your breath.

What makes this dinner snub ... er, conflict ... doubly offensive are the new ads targeting the "disgraceful" treatment of women by Crist's opponent, Gov. Rick Scott. Conspicuous by its absence in those ads is any mention of how Scott's policies differ from Crist's, particularly the sticky ones Crist espoused for the last 16-or-so years he held office.

Listen carefully. You will only hear Crist described in these new ads as "pro-women" -- never "pro-choice."

And women are yet to learn whether Crist is for or against vouchers. Does he want us to keep our kids in failing schools or does he stand with the teachers' union? An important issue for most of the women I know. Maybe closer to the election he'll figure it out and let us know. In the meantime, it's easier to grind away at Gov. Scott, whose policies, like them or not, are consistent.

Reach Nancy Smith at or at 228-282-2423. Twitter: @NancyLBSmith

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