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Alan Grayson Now Will Try to Shove the Democrats Even Further Left

November 27, 2014 - 6:00pm

Looking at the debacle for Democrats earlier this month, Alan Grayson somehow is claiming it shows that running to the center doesnt work and his party needs to be more liberal.

Grayson used his election win and Mark Pryors loss to Republican challenger Tom Cotton in the Senate race in Arkansas as proof of his point -- never mind that the GOP never made Grayson a top target in his Democratic district or that Arkansas is increasingly trending red. Still, its becoming clear that Grayson wants to expand his profile. Already a favorite of the left, Grayson shows no signs of backing down any time soon.

While most of his shots have been at Republicans, often going over the top on the attack against conservatives, Grayson has not hesitated to pound away at Barack Obama when he thinks its warranted. Grayson has gone after Obama on foreign affairs, especially on military intervention overseas. Even on Obamas handling of the Ebola crisis, Grayson has not shirked from taking on the White House.

The president certainly went to the left after the election disaster with his executive amnesty order on immigration. Grayson backed Obama on the matter but then proceeded to trash the White House staff for the way it handled the issue, accusing them of crafting a pitiful effort to put a right-wing mask on a left-wing policy.

Despite his growls at the White House, Grayson could actually end up being something of a kingmaker for Democrats in 2016 if he plays his cards right -- something Republicans would relish. Grayson has always been a strong fundraiser and he can rely on a grassroots base of liberal donors across the nation. If he chooses not to back Hillary Clinton in 2016, Grayson would be a major asset to whichever liberal challenger he ends up supporting, especially with Florida shaping up as an important presidential primary.

Grayson could have his finger on the pulse of where Democrats are after the election. One of the more underreported political stories in recent days has been the rise of Elizabeth Warren in Democratic presidential primary polls. Still far behind Clinton, Warren has now edged out Joe Biden for second place in some national and state primary polls. Warren is clearly to the left of Biden and Clinton, probably more simpatico for someone like Grayson. Despite bursting on the national scene in 2012 by beating Scott Brown, Warren is no spring chicken. Shell turn 67 in 2016 and, if she wants to run for president, this could be her only chance.

Grayson could be a major help to Warren or any candidate looking to sink Clinton or Biden from the left. As much as he drives conservatives up the wall, Grayson will only be louder and more liberal in 2015 as he tries to put his fingerprints on the Democratic Party as it looks ahead to 2016.

Tallahassee political writer Jeff Henderson wrote this analysis exclusively for Sunshine State News.

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