It is desperation time for the Republican party establishment. Its extremely well financed favorite -- Jeb Bush -- never got anywhere with the voters in the primaries, and has already been forced out of the contest.

It is desperation time for the Republican party establishment. Its extremely well financed favorite -- Jeb Bush -- never got anywhere with the voters in the primaries, and has already been forced out of the contest.
Random thoughts on the passing scene: The presidential election prospects for the Democrats are so bad this year that only the Republicans can save them -- as Republicans have saved them before.
The "Super Tuesday" primaries may be a turning point for America -- and quite possibly a turn for the worse. After seven long years of domestic disasters and increasing international dangers, the next President of the United States will need extraordinary wisdom, maturity, depth of knowledge and personal character to rescue America.
Amid all the media analyses of the prospects of each of the candidates in both political parties, there is remarkably little discussion of the validity -- or lack of validity -- of the arguments these candidates are using.
Many people of mature years are amazed at how many young people have voted for Senator Bernie Sanders, and are enthusiastic about the socialism he preaches.
Amid the petty bickering, loud rhetoric and sordid attack ads in this year's primary election campaigns, the death of a giant -- Justice Antonin Scalia -- suddenly overshadows all of that.
Senator Ted Cruz's upset victory against Donald Trump has robbed "The Donald" of his stock answer to any criticism from rivals-- that he is winning and his critics are losers.
Of all the many things said about Donald Trump, what was said by Roger Ailes, head of the Fox News Channel, said it all in just two words: "Grow up!"
In recent years, a small but growing number of people have advocated a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The reaction to the proposal has been hostile, out of all proportion to either the originality or the danger of such a convention.
Those who have been marveling at Donald Trump's political showmanship were given a reminder of who is the top showman of them all, when President Barack Obama went on television to make a pitch for his unilateral actions to restrict gun sales and make a more general case for tighter gun control laws.